
Mostrando entradas de agosto, 2020

Movie review: Private Tropical 8 "Ocean Dream" (2004) (Sarah Swain, Claudia Lassi, Veronica Sinchair, Julie Pilver)

  It's midnight. Eve of a wedding in style. The engaged couple strolls through a manicured French garden in Barre Trigano Castle, accompanied by a third woman. - "It is my parents' house" says the future wife. This luxurious mansion has little of a house and a lot of a palace. Everything is going great, even the relationship with the sister-in-law seems to be quite cordial and the atmosphere is calm.

Crítica de cine: Private Tropical 8 "Ocean Dream" (2004) (Sarah Swain, Claudia Lassi, Veronica Sinchair, Julie Pilver)

Es medianoche. Víspera de una boda por todo lo alto. La pareja de prometidos pasea por un cuidado jardín del Chateau de la Barre, acompañada de una tercera mujer.  -"Es la casa de mis padres" dice la futura esposa. Todo va de maravilla, incluso la relación con la cuñada parece ser bastante cordial y el ambiente está tranquilo.