Movie review: Private Tropical 11 "Dream girls in St. Martin" (2004) (Jessica Fay, Janet Alano, Ellen Haint, Cristina Pond)
The world of advertising is a fatuous place, full of dreams and hopes, where naive souls, visionaries and businessmen end up with the aim of deceiving the crowd through their cunning maneuvers. In this new film by Max Bellocchio we dive headlong into a marketing environment, in which the fight of egos, vanity and personal branding fills everything. This is the most autobiographical work of the transalpine director in the tropical saga: The Dreamers of St. Martin, a film that lives up to its title because it is full of double meanings and unattainable desires, although it is filmed on the neighboring island of Guadeloupe, not exactly in St. Martin. The particular tendency towards semantic ambiguity in Bellocchio's work reaches unthinkable levels here. Take a breath and enjoy.