
Mostrando entradas de agosto, 2023

Movie review: Private Tropical 41 "British Virgin ashes" (2008) (Keisha Bane, Leigh Dogan, Crystal Wink)

The death rattles of an old Englishman lying on his deathbed have brought us here. Apparently, a dying man uttered three short words in his native language... they were his earthly impulse before leaving and, at the same time, his last will. British... virgin... ashes, the septuagenarian James Logan effortlessly articulated in the quiet of his home in the Dorset countryside. Gone were his nights of revelry at The Royal Arcade Ballrooms in Boscombe, as soon as he returned from, at that time obligatory, military service (the National Service was abolished in 1963), however, his legendary attraction to women in their twenties remained intact fifty years ago. years later.

Crítica de cine: Private Tropical 41 "British Virgin Ashes" (2008) (Keisha Bane, Leigh Dogan, Crystal Wink)

  Los estertores de un anciano inglés recostado en su lecho de muerte nos han traído hasta aquí. Al parecer, un moribundo pronunció tres cortas palabras en su lengua natal... eran su impulso terrenal antes de partir y, a la vez, su última voluntad. British... virgin... ashes, articuló no sin esfuerzo el septuagenario James Logan en la quietud de su hogar situado en la campiña de Dorset. Lejos quedaban ya sus noches de juerga en el The Royal Arcade Ballrooms de Boscombe, nada más regresar del, por aquel entonces obligatorio servicio militar (El National Service se abolió en 1963), sin embargo, su legendaria atracción por las mujeres veinteañeras seguía intacta cincuenta años más tarde.