Movie review: Private Tropical 17 "Fantasy Lagoon" (2005) (Angel Nark, Simone Steal, Liliana Cherry, Tera Fond)
The lavish royal dome of San Gennaro, of the Naples Cathedral, places us in space. We are in Italy, at side of the Vesuvius. The film begins with energy, with two strangers loving each other until the dawn, without yet a closed context of who they are and why they kissing and cuddleing during the whole night, in darkness.
Private Tropical 17 Fantasy Lagoon trailer
1st part of the movie on Youtube
A while later, Maurizio, the supposed husband, appears, tired after a work shift that has taken too long, in the absence of his boss. He comes wanting to fuck, to sleep unloaded, and it so happens that his wife wears fine lingerie. However, the woman, already fulfilled with pleasure, rejects him.
If you're dressed like this ...
Not only cuckold, beaten
We all empathize with the boy, who has also been aware for a long time that his relationship with his wife does not go through the best times. The next day, Maurizio gets up excited and tells Cynthia that he has the day off; that they can go to eat sushi (since she couldn't taste it the night before), to the movies, for a walk or to a Chinese restaurant, but Cynthia tells him that she has to go shopping with Susanna, to get a dress, some shoes or whatever she wants.
"I would like to eat sushi" he claims with admirable sincerity.
Moments after Cynthia has gone shopping, his phone rings. It appears to be his boss, Mr Renzi, from Maurizio's reverential tone of voice. Mr Renzi tells him that he is going to stand at his house right now, in the middle of the day off, to comment on a matter of vital importance.
"Keep calm Maurizio, i know the address..."
The first thing we discover in the next scene is that his wife's lover is also his boss, that's why he plants himself at home quickly and easily, he's very cheeky. He has been in his bed and in his shower several times.
The emergency meeting is motivated because the company needs to do some real estate speculation with luxury villas in Puerto Rico (in reality is Dominican Republic), and our friend Maurizio must fly there as soon as possible, to carry out the sales on the ground.
The very naive one believes that the diets also include the all-you-can-eat buffet for his wife and he sees the trip as an excellent opportunity to fix their marital relationship, which is as we said before, at low hours, but Mr Renzi asks him to go alone, "you have to go alone since you are going to work". Despite the cut, our friend seems to have opened the gates of heaven, even without his wife, a trip to the Caribbean always goes well.
He seems to be looking at God
Business trips are tough when done in complete solitude: long lines at the airport, no company at restaurants, tedious air travel. However, Maurizio is excited and highly motivated, and as soon as he arrives in Dominican Republic, he goes to the Fantasy Lagoon resort to begin negotiations.
Tropical plants and luxury villas await you ... and something more
Fantasy Lagoon in reality
Picture in the web of Ville in Los Mangos 25
Same main entrance
Picture of Google Maps
Is greeted like this in the Caribbean?
Although it may seem like it, I'm not the owner of the house
The garden nowadays
The garden in the film
The spa in the photoshoot of the movie
The cantilever in the movie photoshoot, painted in blue
Amazing place
Night falls and there's no word from the Fantasy Lagoon resort owner
Maurizio has waited all afternoon in one of the resort's rooms, patiently, to meet with the owner and begin negotiations. One of the girls bumps into him and is amazed that he has spent so many hours there. Maurizio assures her that he has to see the owner, but she finally informs him that he is traveling in the United States and that he will be coming in two weeks ... and that while he waits, he can come to the resort every day to enjoy the delights of the Fantasy Lagoon.
"Aw poor guy..."

Our dear Maurizio has adapted to the harsh life of Caribbean. Now he calls Mr Renzi to tell him that Cain is happening, "it is raining a lot and I am not leaving the room". He lies to her once more, claiming that he has almost convinced the retired owner of the house, even though he doesn't even put a face on it.
The weather here is worst than in Boston
Shortly after, Leo comes and invites him to go do something fun. Maurizio declines the invitation because he has to make some calls, although what he seems to have pending is another matter.
Friends are here for whatever
Leo looks for another colleague and they go sailing to a lake, a must for all who come to Dominican Republic. The truth is that Leo is enjoying a lot Fantasy lagoon resort and surely Maurizio has noticed.
Captain voyeur
Despite life smiling for him in the warm Caribbean, Maurizio is haunted by calls from Europe. A chain ties him to that imperfect world and reminds him that his glory days will soon see their end. On the one hand, his wife seems more concerned with spending money at the shopping malls than talking to him on the phone. And on the other hand, his boss keeps breaking his balls, and partly with reason, since the trip that was to last a week has been on the way to reaching a month.
Stop breaking my balls! he seems to say with his irked face
This scene probes that Fantasy Lagoon arrives, in fact, until Arqeco Real Estate. In Twitter @arqecocaribbean, placed in San Rafael del Yuma.
A chinese mood bridge
Coordinates of the complex
Fortunately, his dark-haired friend, the one who greeted him with a kiss upon arrival, sees him sad and cheers him up with good news: he can buy a house for $ 10,000 on the coast, the owner of the resort has already arrived the island and they can meet tomorrow, and also, as he is always traveling (in the USA, Europe, Russia etc.), he needs a "pudick" relations person to help him with business. The truth is that this girl is a talented coach: "You don't need to go back to Europe; here you have sun, beach and girls, like me"
Motivates better than Mourinho
The meeting with the owner, Mr Davies, does not go off smoothly because despite Maurizio assuring him that he works for a large Italian company and that it intends to buy him the Fantasy Lagoon resort, the man is inflexible.
The long-awaited meeting with Mr Davies
I am richer than the Queen of England...
Apparently Mr Davies is too rich. So much so that he is not willing to listen to offers. He even offers to stay at the resort as a guest, in true James Bond villain style. The brunette enters the conversation and offers Maurizio's services as a PR. Mr Davies agrees and offers him a salary of $ 5000 a month, so that he has for his expenses. Maurizio's life has suddenly been arranged.
In the next scene, Maurizio calls Mr Renzi to tell him that he has missed the flight, although in the middle of the conversation he decides that it is more practical to send him to fuck his ass, to end this agony of misinformation and prolong the inevitable. Renzi then demands the return of the allowances, fires him and threatens to send him to the police, but it would be a matter for Interpol since Dominican Republic is not even in Europe. He chooses not to call his wife at the moment.
"I have lost my flight", an excuse older than Joe Biden
Wedding ahead, but in America
The happiest, however, is the nameless brunette. Maurizio has stayed in Caribbean and works for the Fantasy Lagoon resort, entertaining the doughy businessmen who drop by. Without going any further, one of his first tasks is to give service and fornication to a Frenchman named Pierre, to whom he gives the company of Samantha and Jennifer.
A good supplier provides only high quality goods
As a culmination, comes the call from his wife. Maurizio is not surprised to see how the whore lies to him and tells him that she misses him. He knows that everything is pure lies and he makes it clear when he ventures out and asks, expressly, to tell the son of a bitch who is next to him (Mr Renzi) that he is not going to see any penny. The truth is that Maurizio smelled the toast when his boss came to his house without blinking; it was something he sensed and confirmed that day.
Clever than we thought...
For dessert, he unleashes an unclassifiable string of shame on Cynthia: Maurizio has emptied the bank accounts, he has sold the house in Naples and Cynthia has to leave it in two months, and regarding the horns, well, Maurizio tells her that he too he was fucking Sylvia, Renzi's secretary. Of course, he warns him that they will never speak on the phone again since he is going to throw his cell phone to the bottom of the Caribbean Sea.
Go fuck yourself!
Finally, and since he has all the inside information about the misdeeds of his speculator boss, he ruthlessly extorts him: if Renzi does not want to go to jail, he has to put € 100,000 in the Western Union box. Pure Mafia behaviour.
Now, with everything in order and without obligations in old Europe, it only remains to enjoy the beaches, the sun and the young girls.
RATING: 6/10
Private Tropical 17 "Fantasy Lagoon"
Year: 2005
Film genre of the plot: romantic
Destination: Dominican Republic
Actors: Tera Fond, Francesco Sitcom, Maria Prepucci, Frank Alfajor, George Bull, Simone Steal, Nikki Cider, Angel Nark, Philippe Bean, Liliana Cherry, Lara Stiffens, Horst Sharon, Lauro Kyoto
Where can I find it: Private or Google
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