Movie review: Private Tropical 20 "Caribbean Dream" (2006) (Veronica de Arousa, Krystina Cee, Nikki Cider)

A melodious tropical tune greets us in the opening credits of Max Bellocchio's Caribbean Dream. The title of this film is a clear nod to the American dream, but with palm trees and daiquiris in the equation. The composer, as this filmmaker is accustomed, is Oreste Fiengo and endless confused images are shown to us in an agitated way. We are facing a new Caribbean tragicomedy loaded with love affairs, scams and ship fuel.

Private Tropical 20 Caribbean dream trailer

Movie Caribbean Dream on Youtube

A dyed-haired Teuton stars in the opening scene, handing Jason, a forty-something salesman who feels like he's missed too many trains in his life, a telemarketing checklist. 

Trading with feet in the sand

In that valuable document there are dozens of references with names and telephone numbers of people who want to acquire a property on the island (they say it is the Granadina Island, but we are in Guadeloupe as we will see later). The German assures that they have not yet been contacted and Jason asks him to clarify that point: "that means that you have not phoned them yet"...

Morning meeting grin

A priori, from the point of view of an experienced commercial, it would be a negative point towards that list, which could be a hodgepodge of numbers collected in surveys on foot at the club, however, Jason's reply has another objective: "so we can teach them any village and ask them for a sign" (not necessarily one of the villages they already had in mind).
Festina biker look

The German with peroxided hair refreshes him at that point in the meeting that Jason must pay for everything: plane trips to Mordor, all-inclusive hotel, shuttle to the airport... and of course Jason must maintain his business structure of secretaries , administrative and relationship experts.

Ponzi scheme infrastructure

Jason hesitates for a moment, but the dealer reminds him that he will pay him 100,000 euros at the end of the job, and also emphasizes that buyers want fun as well as seeing the house, so they expect a complete service, with all the letters.

The experience shakes hands, in an image

Without excessive empathy, the hitherto owner of the database demands payment from the counterparty: $6,000 in cash, "but right now," he emphasizes. It's time to review Mr.X's background a bit (he doesn't have an official name in the movie, just like Daniel Craig in Layer Cake). Mr.X now sells contact lists to the highest bidder in the Caribbean, but before that he had dedicated himself in Europe to selling networking models in a franchise format, going to the offices of the main cities with a black briefcase and an escort with appearance of high command of the SS, fleecing right and left. That was blown up and he had to apply a scorched earth policy. After a brief period in Cairo in which he was unable to strike it rich, he moved permanently to the French West Indies. We can assume that, although its business model has changed, the fund will continue to be just as murky, but let's not rush.

Jason plots a strategy from the start. In the past it has been selling 50-volume encyclopedias, Latin language novels and funeral insurance. He has been in the toughest sectors of the commercial field and is facing a great opportunity to apply his wisdom and get a good sum of money. He recently created Caribe Dream Real Estate and feels that his time has come. With no time to lose, she organizes her administrative staff and sends them to the hotel, where they must contact the rest of the team so that they are prepared. Jason is going to make the first calls and hopes to land some candidates already in this initial round.

Logo of the company managed by Jason

Armed with his old-generation mobile, he heaves a sigh of delight at the excel list. The tingle of telemarketing, a method that closely resembles a Phoenician souk, brings back fond memories and always brought great results. Key in the number and go for the first victim offering plane tickets and a free vacation. Who is not going to accept?

Smile in callings is very important

Oddly enough, this has been used on some telemarketing channels, in which they tell you that you have won a 2,000-euro trip to the beaches of Benidorm, but you have to pay an additional 3,000 euros to enjoy it. They were doing it in 2006 when this movie was released, and they still are, so there will be people who will accept such draconian offers without flinching.

One of the telephoned is Mr. Le Fleur, who automatically teleports us to the movie Sunrise, which also has a plot of real estate sales in the Caribbean and in which Bruno Le Fleur is played by the tireless Alban Ceray. An excellent nod by the director to his own saga, only for true followers of the Bellocchio legacy.

Calling customers with the warm tongue of beer

Stella Artois takes advantage of the call scenes to make a product placement, clearly aimed at generating good feelings in the consumer. Jason speaks with potential buyers from a terrace on the beaches of Guadeloupe, with a beer in hand, and crying out for the luck that the winners have had, having been awarded this trip to paradise.

Luxury hotel for an entrepreneur

The headquartners of Caribe Dream Real Estate is the Pierre & Vacances Village Club Sainte-Anne, placed in Grande Terre island, the bigger one in Guadeloupe. 

Take a look in Google Maps

Their web today

Soon the first visitor arrives. Mr. Sanson, the only one who accepted from the entire first page of the list. Just landed in Pointe-a-Pitre, he goes to Anse Mancellinier to see with his own eyes the villa called Housing Cove Bay, with private parking, swimming pool and two gardens. It is available on Booking and TripAdvisor.

Villa with two gardens and pool in Guadeloupe

Hawaiana shirt with Borussia style

The house is in TripAdvisor

Picture of the villa in Booking

Site in Booking for the Housing Cave Bay

Aerial pic, that its in these coordinates in Google Maps

Aerial view in Bing maps

White gold watch and cheap shirt

The secretaries of Caribe Dream Real Estate get ready as if for a wedding

Jason offers you another 10% discount if you make your down payment today. He is desperate to sell, but it is the only way he can get ahead. It has activated all possible economic levers and urgently needs liquidity. It adds a bit of "spicy" to the sale and Mr. Sanson reacts by offering him ipso facto payment, but Jason asks him to pay it directly to the young commercial women who will keep him company on the boat trip he has organized for him. next day.

Mr. Sanson has more good news as he tells her that his brother is also looking for a villa on this island (blessed coincidence and how strange that they can't buy a vacation villa between the two of them to use it for shared use). Jason doesn't reflect on it; what is clear is that the entertainment has paid off and every salesperson knows that word of mouth brings more sales than the cold door or the unexpected call.

The dark side of the night catches Jason from the first company benefits

Drinking whiskey at a Pointe-a-Pitre nightclub, Jason receives confirmation that his girls have secured the $28,000 cash check. In exchange, he informs him with the good news that Laura, the secretary, is going to show another house in Anser Tarare, to two interested parties, who pay with another nominal check.

The different buyers lend each other the shirts, apparently

Secretariat in babydoll... and le Ilet a Gourde, in the background

The Ilet a Gourde that appears in the previous picture gives the key to find the villa

Magnificent villa in the midst of the most absolute solitude. Perfect for filming

Take a look of the villa in Google Maps

Best quality aerial view in Bing Maps

Life smiles on good old Jason, who does nothing but accumulate checks and has already rented a boat to provide a service to his clients without the need for intermediaries.

The new office

Jason dreams of becoming rich, and this feeds back because the theoretical buyer of Anser Tarare's house is now showing interest in a second villa on the island, and for that additional purchase he demands the same full service from his colleague as with the previous purchase. 

The administrative needs help with sun cream too

Home office for the new rich

This makes more money than passive income businesses!

The love...

On the pier at the Marina de Saint Francois, Jason finally meets Sanson's brother, who is buying a house at a higher cost, and who signs an autograph for him, promising to pay him a whopping $48,000. Jason is on cloud nine, and for a moment, he ponders what he's accomplished in just two weeks.

Walkers of the harbour

Expressionless face like a Hindu cow

The employees go with less and less clothes

Another autograph for the fans

A total amount of $140,000 has been calculated by his accountant, a promising young brunette. The list that Mr.X sold him has turned out to be an inexhaustible mine, like the mother lode of silver found by ship 7 of the TriOceanicCorp in the movie Leviathan.

The levers have worked

Now Jason is flying to Paris, but that's still two days away, so he sends the accountant ahead to cash the checks at a bank on the Champs-Élysées right now. The plan is to enjoy a well-deserved vacation with the money and repeat the play in a couple of months. Unfortunately for Jason, the next scene shows Mr.X charging Sanson and one of the Frenchmen $15,000 in black.

United Corsairs Association

Still with the 90's toupee

¡Long live the picaresque!

They tell him that the vacations have been cheap because, in exchange for those 5,000 dollars per head, the three of them have enjoyed almost 15 days in all-inclusive, in luxury hotels. The bad check is a ploy older than black thread, and puts the finishing touch to this film that has sinned, at all times, of lack of action.

Now that Jason has gone to Paris to find out what the problem with the checks is, umpteenth overconfidence mistake, Mr.X appropriates the boat that had been rented in the name of Caribe Dream Real Estate, and takes his wife to browse.

UE flag but with a pirate at the helm
Following Livingstone into Zambeze river

The tranquility you are looking for...

She, very blonde, doesn't understand where she got the money from, but, playing dumb, assumes that it must have been a networking thing... that it's on everyone's lips for a reason.


RATING: 1/10


Private Tropical 20 "Caribbean Dream" 
Year: 2006
Film genre of the plot: business
Destination: Guadeloupe island
Actors: Laura Prion, Sunny Day, Nikki Cider, Jane Cruising, Veronica De Arousa, Krystina Cee, Phil Holyshit, Horst Sharon, Philippe Bean, Sebastian Zarrio.
Where can i find it: Private or Google


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