Movie review: Private Tropical 3 "Tropical Heat" (2002) (Sandra Pusso, Jessica Fay, Melody Tragic, Kyra Rat)
This is an action thriller with reminiscenses of the 90s, and the composer Oreste Fiengo immerses us in the atmosphere with an electronic drum'n'bass and Arabic voices. The journey has begun and some passages in this film will sometimes remind us of License to Kill.
Private Tropical 3 Tropical heat trailer (english subtitles)
1st part of Tropical Heat on Youtube with english subtitles
2nd part of Tropical Heat on Youtube with english subtitles
How to forget the TV series with Rob Stewart
The island is Guadeloupe, the former French colony. Marinas, cabrios, airplanes, jet skis, Caribbean landscapes and blonde girls welcome us in a torrent of images at techno rhythm music.
The coast is always an excellent destination for action movies
Photoshoot in the sea
On a amazing yacht, a experienced photographer is in the middle of a session with two blonde models, who warm up each other. The artist urges them to concentrate on the project: "We are working, don't overdo it" although he chooses not to get into an argument and decides to postpone the photoshoot. Both girls get carried away, now without the impertinent lens of the reflex camera focusing on them. High temperature scenes begin.
After this opening, an image of a European city appears, of its commercial streets with well-to-do class dwellings, hotels, banks and fashion stores.
Rodier, CaixaBank, hotels, fashion brands...
Vídeo from summer 2022
Very soon they will give us to understand that it is about Frankfurt, when in fact in the Rue de Antibes, the main shopping street of Cannes, at the intersection of Rue de Lerins and Rue del Oran.
Today pictures in the same street
Print offices of Private magazine maybe...
Robert telephones to Guadalupe to speak with Helmut. As soon as the phone rings, Helmut tells the blonde named Greta that if she is "a girl from Los Angeles, tell her he's not here" but when she picks up, she informs him that someone is contacting him from his Frankfurt office.
Robert informs Helmut that Clipper magazine has commissioned them to do a paradisiacal-style photo session for their 2003 model calendar. Helmut initially rejects the assignment as he "doesn't do those things" but rebels when Robert announces him. they will pay you € 40,000 for the job. It quickly follows that both entrepreneurs are partners and that their relationship is not entirely fluid. We may also be navigating a sea of lies if Helmut does not know that Robert is in Cannes, instead of Frankfurt or perhaps he is fed up with works that do not measure up to his artistic side.
![]() |
Logotype of Clipper Magazine |
Helmut continues with evasions and warns that he does not want to leave the Caribbean to go to take the photos, but Robert reassures him and tells him that he already has the four plane tickets to go, with the three models, to Guadeloupe.
"I have got more job and we are going to celebrate"
Helmut is really happy and gives the girls a couple of bundles of bills to spend some money at the souvenir shops. An order of € 40,000 is just what he needed to carry out an operation that has been on his mind for years.

Cabrio Renault, like in all the french islands
As soon as Robert lands in Guadalupe, they rent a Megane convertible and go to the pier where Helmut awaits them, aboard the Remora. Upon arrival, the genre is shown to the fashion photographer, who soon gives his approval. The models are called Viktoria, Bernadette and Darma.
Import from Europe
After he finished looking at the three females, he sent them all to the hotel because tomorrow will be a very hard day as the photo sessions have to start on the beach. The sun is very powerful in the central hours and it is advisable to get up early.
Velvet cake
Around 11:00, Helmut sends Robert to look for locations for Bernadette's future session, and he escapes with Darma on the jet ski. Meanwhile, Helmut stays with Viktoria for some solo photos on the shore. The search for locations is going to be fragile, like says William Garrison in Blackhawk down.
We can see that the action, for the moment, its not in the plot, although we are in a long intro in which we are intended to transmit calm before the storm. The relaxation continues that same night on the yacht, Helmut takes Greta and her friend in a relaxed conversation about how well the African American works, and how happy he is with the two of them. Alcohol has affected him and for that reason, if before he criticized them for dykes, now he praises them for their professionalism.
I turn now for the photoshoot with Darma, the next day. It is assumed that in the location that he had found on the previous day's excursion with Robert, although it is just any beach and it is more than evident that he has given him indications of the first thing he saw.
Darma in the Guadaloupe beaches
We meet once more on the boat and the nights are a haven of peace. Now Greta and her friend ask Helmut about how Clipper magazine models work. It seems that jealousy is very present on this island and these feelings are really dangerous, as we will see later.
"Amateurs; not like you"
Helmut takes away the cache of the European newcomers: "they are not professionals" and then informs them that they will come that same night to the ship, in the company of Robert, so if they wish they can go for a walk. They accept the advice and ask him for the catamaran to go with the African American and the assistant named Dave, until the next morning. The tide is coming.
Multi cultural catamaran
At the end of the day they say goodbye to Helmut, for the last time, and go to Stockholm, where Greta invites him to travel. It is a calm and simple farewell. You can see that they have had a good few weeks in the Caribbean.
¡We will see each other in the Baltic sea!
Before the final goodbye, Robert appears with Viktoria, Bernadette and Darma, who will spend the night on the ship for the last days to do the last photo sessions. These sessions include flights by plane to search for locations, the longed-for session with Bernadette in the jungle, etc.
Very early, on a secondary runway at the Guadalupe airport, he begins a journey through the islets in order to find new enclaves to take the photographs of the calendar. Since Clipper pays, there is no need to skimp.
Carlos Lehder airplane
Dave and Viktoria in first class flight to Désiderade airport
While the plane goes around in search of paradisiacal corners, Helmut does a photo session with Bernadette at La Cascade aux Ecrevisses, a very visited corner in this French colony for its three-pipe waterfall and its humid forest.
After finishing the session, Helmut asks his companion to locate Dave, who is taking too long on his reconnaissance flight, although after seeing the feelings they have had during the flight, it is foreseeable that things will delay. In addition, the boss also instructed him to guide Bernadette to the hotel, without entertaining the least.
Slowly but surely
Today picture of the waterfall
In the airplane, meanwhile
As we can see, the film is rising in temperature but the plot does not finish exploding. Missing that action that promised us the rhythm of the soundtrack of the prologue, and the energetic title of the film. However, something very important is about to happen that will change the entire movie.
Helmut orders Robert to go to Paris, with all the photos, and deliver them to the Clipper magazine headquarters. And, surprisingly, he informs him that he has saved enough to make a capital increase by participating loan in the company that they have jointly, and leave Rob's stocks reduced to 4%. Clearly, Helmut underestimates Robert and believes that he will give in to his claims in exchange for $ 20,000 in commission. He gives the check to Robert to carry out this management, which is an excess of confidence that will pay dearly.
Carte blanche
The betrayed partner leaves confused by the movement of his corporate colleague. That condescension and that way of ordering, typical of a single administrator, indicates that we are facing a new Tropical Heat, but with Robert (Rob) "Steward" (Helmut's stewars) A nod to Rob Stewart, without a doubt.
Viktoria, who lives in London, decides to stay with Helmut, the owner of the photography company and a born saver who enjoys a good checking account. Viky likes the smell of money, Versace shoes, and Rodier clothes.
The key detail is that the ship calls Remora, which is a fish that stick to large fish to obtain the offal that require as food. In other words, he ate off other people’s work.
London without no money its too cold
Three days later, Helmut and Viktoria enjoy the peace of the Caribbean and good French champagne. They are nouveau riche and have the Rémora yacht at their disposal, which although it is not a luxury boat, allows them to have privacy while anchoring in coves with difficult access. Helmut announces to Viktoria that as soon as Robert returns, they will go on a cruise wherever she wishes, anywhere in the world.
Briatore style
At that very moment, Helmut realizes that his minority partner has not shown signs of life. So much alcohol, that he had lost track of time. However, Viktoria reassures him by informing him that Robert has called while he was in the shower and that he has taken care of everything: he will arrive in a few hours by transatlantic flight.
¡How clueless i am!
Actually, Viktoria has received a call from Robert but with another purpose and very soon the viewer will discover that we are facing a true tropical action thriller that is finally heading to apotheosis.
There was a hidden bird...
Robert waits crouched in an inflatable boat, to board the yacht as soon as Helmut is clueless. At the airport he said goodbye to Darma and Bernadette and he has never left the island. He has made the arrangements at a bank in Basse Terre and will be able to withdraw the million and a half dollars very soon, as soon as the authenticity of the check signed by Helmut is confirmed.
Back stab
Helmut is stabbed by Robert, while Viktoria is looking reptilian. Now we have to organize everything and Rob gives the instructions: "clean the blood, erase my fingerprints, empty some bottles of champagne in the sea. Then call me and leave me a message telling me that Helmut has fallen into the sea and that you are scared. I will call to the police and the coast guard to report his disappearance. "
But put a tarp over it, man ...
The following scene leaves the viewer stunned, because Robert, with bloodstained hands and having hidden the body of the greedy Helmut, meets an old friend near Pointe-a-Pitre, in the Bas du fort, but in really this scene was shooted in Mougins (France) in a villa placed in Le devens.
Movie image
Nowadays, the same corner of the Lagon Bleu.
The alibi is obviously the goal of this last minute love affair and, furthermore, in this way, since he has to take a shower to eliminate evidence, he does so for a double reason.
Brunette alibi (Villa Le Devens, Mougins)
This is not over yet and reality is always accompanied by melodramatic piano music. The next scene in an interrogation in which Robert lies, and tells them that he was in Paris with a certain Dora Ferguson, instead of talk about his trip to Mougins. He chooses to take the complicate way.
At least the interrogation room isn't a claustrophobic basement.
Today, booking on this web you can sit at the same table, located in the Impasse de l´Harmonie
It was not at all suitable for the police that Viktoria left a message for Robert and only after that did she finally call the Coast Guard. The inspectors tell them that both are arguidos, in portuguese language, even without being detained, do suffer movement restrictions and are prohibited from leaving the island until they has found the body in the sea and the pertinent autopsy is carried out.
The next morning, they summoned Viktoria to a pier in Port Caraibes, in Pointe-a-Pitre and told her that the search for Helmut's body was suspended. Those waters are infested with sharks and there will be nothing to find.
The police is among them...
Her boyfriend Helmut is now food for whales
The policeman nevertheless warns him to inform him out of pure formality when he is about to leave Guadalupe. She is not quite sure of the date, although she anticipates that it will be in a couple of days.

The same quay, but now with the skyscrapter in white painting coloured
Robert and Viktoria, the accomplices in Helmut's murder, meet again at the end of the afternoon to agree on their escape. Rob already has the cash and will be picking it up at the cove soon. They will catch the next flight to London to start their new life in Europe. It is a good time to make love and celebrate the master plan. Oreste Fiengo once again delights us with powerful electronics, to the rhythm of a thriller, to frame this police adventure.
Fleeting happiness
Robert is very intelligent and has been convincing Viktoria with good words so that she does not report to the police, but the truth is that he prefers Greta, one of the Swedes girls of the beginning, who did like him and decided at the last minute not to go to Europe again. Once he has the money in his briefcase, he drives a Daewoo Lanos rental car to visit her in a kind of cheap narco house, to get off the island as soon as possible.
Perhaps by analyzing the car that Robert has rented, we better understand Helmut's drastic decision regarding the commercial company... With his own money he opts for a low-profile Daewoo Lanos, while when he paid the company he rented a convertible Renault Megane. Now, it could also be that Robert, currently a fugitive homicide suspect, doesn't want to draw too much attention and so he picked up that Korean junk at the car rental agency.
Rob "Steward" lies even to the doctor
My lovely Greta, you are the one
Viktoria, with her sixth sense, decides to follow him, and spies on the couple, who are talking privately in the presence of the 1.4 million euros, and who wants to go to Rio de Janeiro. Visibly affected, Viky leaves with Rob’s car without intruding for the moment.
J´te aime
The truth is that Viktoria is going to a fishing and diving store in Le Mole Portuaire , that now is called Karen Shop, to do some shopping. On the drive he has been mulling over a vendetta and has already decided how he is going to carry it out. Again the soundtrack makes us feel like in an action real movie, with a pounding rhythm. We are facing a tropical action movie that is no longer made and the tension is concentrated in the last minutes of the footage.
While Viktoria chooses a souvenir souvenir from the island, a thief named Max plucks her. This is what happens when you focus too much on one goal and leave your bag behind you. Max reappears as Alfred Hitchcock in his movies.
Easy comes easy goes
Despite the setback, he knows he has loot within reach of a harpoon shot, so he finds a nearby ATM and gets enough money to buy the underwater pistol. This begins to remind us of The Spy Who Loved Me by the magnificent Roger Moore.
The ATM ist still today open and so close to the scuba shop...
Inside the Daewoo Lanos… Only femme fatale cuddle her weapons
With no fantasies of morality, Viktoria walks up to the house where she saw Robert and Greta and enters with a loaded harpoon. Without a word, he gives a good account of the unfortunate couple. She feels betrayed and her pride is attacked.
It is a cursed island. Helmut, Greta and Robert have been murdered and Viktoria Jackins, in the final interrogation with the police, confesses that she is stunned and afraid that something might happen to her. The chief inspector, visibly saddened, gives him a letter of freedom to leave at any time.
"This island is starting to scare me, I have to get out of here"
The porch seen from the bottom. This house is located in Deshaies and is called La Kak a Zak
The real Scrooge McDucky
I have a last question, Mrs Jackins
The inspector asks her about the money Helmut had in the bank. Apparently, Robert brought 1.4 million euros from Europe. In customs they detected it but chose to notify the Gendarmerie, without arresting the money laundering suspect. He is lying just to confirm her involvement. But there is something else, and it is the bank receipt for the money taken from the cashier ATM next to the Scuba store. If she had paid in cash she would not have been discovered, but the thief Max, with his gesture of ill will, has uncovered a murder.
Luckily for Mrs Jackins, the young cop is corrupt and offers her a share of the loot in exchange for silence. Going halfway is the solution, because the cop is fed up with pickpockets ... "Or partners, or the electric chair" offers him with a mischievous smile.
"Better half than nothing"
As a culmination, he hands her a check for € 50,000 for having been chosen as the new girl on the Clipper calendar, of which the gendarme also keeps half. "We are partners for better or for worse"
A murky and convoluted story of action in the Caribbean, masterfully told and with several final plot twists that, without a doubt, wink at John McNaughton's Wild Things (1998). It has it all: corporate conflicts, original weapons, corrupt cops, murders, undeclared money, and voluptuous women. Max Bellochio has done it again!
RATING: 8/10
Private Tropical 3 "Tropical Heat"
Year: 2002
Film genre of the film: action
Destination: Guadalupe
Actors: Sandra Pusso, Sebastian Zarrio, Jessica Fay, Melody Tragic, Sheena Seal
Valentina Belly, Francesco Sitcom, Joachim Kettle, Greg Centavo, Rodolphe Bactrim, Kyra Rat
Where can I find it: Private or Google
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