Movie review: Private Tropical 1 "The Private Six Survivors" (2002) (Sandy Steel, Alessia Pompei, Petra Sport, Mandy Night, Elza Grown)

A young couple with a mortgage, aging in their thirties and addicted to junk TV, welcomes us in the living room of their home (rumours place this house in the Italian town of Fiano Romano, but nothing is confirmed). We witness a dissension between them because the television does not tune. Franco restarts the receiver trying to solve the problem... but it resists him. Those were other times when the internet was only in spy movies.

Private Tropical 1 The Private six survivors trailer

1st of The Private Six Survivors on Youtube

2nd of The Private Six Survivors on Youtube

3rd of The Private Six Survivors on Youtube

It was the time of satellite channels and tube TV

Tiger jump

The viewer is not informed about the day of the week, but we assume that it is Friday, and that after a week of hard work, it is time to watch the favorite TV program lying on the sofa; like the one who waits for the weekend to see the match of the year. We are going to give this program a vote of confidence because the intro promises and Oreste Fiengo has composed a powerful melodic theme as a tune that places you in exotic enclaves.

Exoticism and the rod of Moses

¡Good morning, America!

2018 photo of the exact point; the most famous beach of Isla Saona

 Isla Saona Google Maps with a different frame

So we moved to the Dominican Republic, to be more precise, to Isla Saona. This island is the destination of thousands of university students every year, who travel from Punta Cana resorts of the Riu chain and who really want to drink Caribbean rum and give free rein to their impulses. Youth is a divine treasure and enjoys these corners of the Caribbean. The presenter introduces chapter 42 of the program, which is a nod to the 42 feature films that make up this legendary saga that begins with this 2002 film. The host of the space gives way to the contestants, who are in the jungle, competing among yes, trying to achieve victory.

Navigators of the Chavón River

Swamp catamaran

For latecomers or newcomers, it's a good time to introduce, one by one, the five bigardos competing in this television contest for glory. Six survivors are exposed not only to cameras, but to the dangers of these tropical environments. They are the Bear Grylls of the Caribbean, and they have a great responsibility.

Phil: french, 34 years old, married and commercial

George: Czech, 33 years old, golden bachelor and professor of philosophy

Sebastian: French, single and 31 years old and gym boy

Joakim: Brazilian taxi driver and here, before reaching 30

Manuel: A French double major student.
(The gossips say that he got lost in the jungle during the graduation trip
and the producer signed it)

The five of them fight to be the first to reach the girls' camp, where they will meet beautiful women. A kind of Island of temptations, but at the beginning of the 21st century... Some ahead of their time. 

We are now going to make a subsection to talk about the location, using Philippe's triumphal entry.

These rocks are going to give us the key clue

A Facebook user named José commented in 2015 that this place is known as the Hoyo de Chilin de el Río Chavón

Here we see it in a Google Maps image

In Philippe's scene there are also some buildings on top of the hill...

It could be about these, because the rocks of Hoyo de Chilin are next to

On the other hand, the girls wait patiently for the arrival of the goats, with whom they will live all kinds of experiences. They have tents to protect themselves from mosquitoes and other animals/dangers.

Santo Domingo t-shirt


At the girls' camp, time passes slowly, and they look for all kinds of activities to keep their minds occupied. His role is passive in the program, which translates into fewer jungle experiences, but also adds a plus of security. The group of females is made up of Monica, Nathalia, Alice, Suzanne, Lenka and Petra.

Aerobic against boring

Phil arrives and everybody is happy

Papal reception recorded on theSpy cam

The Spy cam is a patent that belongs to the producer of the Survivors reality show, which uses light and manageable SLR cameras, ideal for steady shots and found footage

Phil has arrived first, but far from enjoying and living the moment, he begins to eagerly eat all the food that the girls of the camp offer him. He is starving after spending several weeks wandering in the Dominican jungle. His priority is to eat and he doesn't mind if the girls get upset.

Hunger is the main enemy of the Six Survivors

And now, the dessert

The scorned

After eating like Obelix in the 12 tests, Philippe goes for a walk with two blonde girls, leaving the others to dress in saints.

Meanwhile, in Italy the temperature rises. The young couple enjoy the long-awaited evening in front of the television and discuss the virtual victory of Phil, who is now very busy with other things. The program engages much more than expected.

Convective heat

In the next cut, the presenter takes us back in time, to a week before, when Manuel, Seb, Joakim, George and Philippe are desperately looking for a small container with some instructions. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack, but to do so they have a rudimentary map. In the hypothetical case of finding said magical object, the path to reach the girls' desired camp will be much smoother.

Correspondent in the Caribbean

The shell seekers

However, life is not easy in the jungle and during the seeking process, Seb is attacked in the leg by killer wasps. More than twenty pecks that force Joakim to use the Amazonian remedies he learned as a child near Manaus.

The truly rudimentary are the surgeons

Pain, panic and poison

But every effort has its reward and both Seb and Phil, on the one hand, and George, Seb and Joakim on the other, find their own containers. Unfortunately, inside there are no instructions, but a hidden temptation: tasty arepas still steaming and a written ban on eating them, under penalty of losing the contest. The order is only attended by one of the contestants...

The CIA " records them in first person

Unconstitutional norm

A look with a goal: to win

A herd, eating

Even Manuel bites the apple...

The product placement of a cathodic TV of Grundig appears each five minutes

After this flashback and summary of what happened a week ago, we now return to the present, and the contestants must face a new test. Only Phil surpassed the previous one and the presenter expects a greater rivalry in this case. The production company had to repeat four contestants to cover the days signed in the contract.

The excitement keeps building

Fishing without training

“Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.” ― Pablo Picasso. 

Hunger in the distance

Butler in couch potato house
The house of Franco and his blonde does not seem like a very luxurious place, although it is very cozy. It is surprising then that there is a kind of servant in the kitchen. The butler really likes the contestant Sebastian, but Franco defends Joakim for being more dynamic

The conversation does not go much further. What is clear is that in the scene in which the contestants try to hunt down their portion of tropical sushi, our protagonists have become so hungry that they have had to prepare a sandwich to deceit their stomachs a little.

Here Franco has an air of Steve Murphy, the DEA cop who chases Escobar in Narcos

Seb needs a ceramic hob and doesn't even have a military maneuver stove...

Chuck Noland vibes...

Not raw fish anymore

Fire is not easy to achieve by brushing against sticks and wood, and in Naufrago, Zemeckis captured the difficulty of this undertaking well. Here Bellocchio focuses on the prize, and not so much on the attempts, which must have been very numerous.

After successfully passing this test, the next winner is Manuel, who arrives at the girls' campsite to enjoy the pleasures of the Dominican Republic. On the banks of the Chavón River, everything is happiness.

Arrival and tribal entertainment, like a settler from the New World

There are already two contestants who have reached the women's camp and it seems that the program is moving steadily towards the outcome. Our Italian couple, who fervently follow the evolution of late-night, end up falling asleep around 5:30 in the morning. For a while, they stop judging the hungry contestants from the comfort of their home.

The dream of the righteous

After sleeping 14 hours straight, the clock strikes 7:30 p.m., and as soon as he turns on the television, Joakim arrives at the women's camp. The blonde girlfriend leaves Franco witnessing the arrival of the Brazilian taxi driver at the camp, to go to the closet to get something warm (she has been out of temper during the 14 hours of REM phase). The truth is that it was quite fresh, to be honest and even more so if we take into account that the servant also seems to be the owner of the house and moves freely.

Joakim comes third, better than Hamilton in 2022

Victory is better shared

Flannel jumper

So many hours of "siesta" have made Franco thirsty that he goes to the kitchen, where the helpful butler returns, who works at least part-time (12 hours at a time). The mannered servant reminds him that they have slept, and also that he was right in the second position of Manuel, although he admits that he trusted Seb more, whom he excuses for the sting of the twenty wasps. The butler likes to pick on the domestic employer.

Content to watch alone or in company

"Green tea. And don't burn it. Pour it just
before boiling point, not after." 
Roman Nagel (Ocean´s 13)

To add a little more drama to Six Survivors, the nominations now begin, with contestants choosing a contestant of the opposite gender to leave the island. The rivalry begins to be a fundamental piece in the future of the television space. We'll see if that doesn't make a dent in the mood and friendship of the participants.

Proxy at polling station

Tea to get you through another sleepless night

Joakim... the first fired, like a horror movies...

First statements: "fed up with the island"

Joakim assures the presenter that "he already needed to leave, that the main thing is his health and that he has to eat well again"... He adds that "these six weeks have been very hard and he needs the tranquility of the city to recover". Immediately afterwards, the director immerses us in a visual analysis of his stay on the island. 40 days and 40 nights surrounded by cunning satyrs, only to be expelled just a few hours before finally reaching the girls' camp. You must feel like the disillusioned conquistadors who died of typhus when they thought they were miles from the El Dorado.

Black and white pulses


Pulling the rope...

After the premature farewell of the brazuca taxi driver, George now arrives at the camp. The Czech has suffered tremendously to achieve the goal, but he already has it in his hands. He warmly greets Philippe, the girls and Manuel. A dead king, put king.

Happy as a child with new shoes

With the pantry full, everything looks much simpler. Now a white chocolate cake

Czechs choose each other

Isla Saona trip

The palms in isla Saona, today

As we can see in the images above, Manuel leaves with Mónica, and it is because these are the moments of harmony before the tremendous tragedy that is yet to come.

Shortly after they will have to decide which two girls should leave the camp. Contests are people-eaters and this categorical fact is evident here. The show endures it all and viewers want blood and moments of struggle between the contestants.

Open council

The scene is now more serious

Petra and Alice are sentenced to leave the island. They all get carried away by their feelings, but at the same time hold back their tears with courage. The hugs soften this moment so cold and so typical of this type of reality TV show.

Among the male gender, the nominee is George, who has just arrived at the female camp, practically... The pattern repeats itself again, as in the case of Joakim.

Auf wiedersehen

Another victim: George

The frenzy of the film has made us completely forget about Sebastian, who wanders in complete solitude on the island. The contestant's own safety may be compromised. Given these circumstances, the direction of the reality show has given her the challenge of enduring 24 hours without eating food and in that case, she will already have a free pass to reach the women's camp.

The revenant

The girl can't handle this garbage TV marathon anymore and she looks like a final exam

Fortunately for Sebastian, self-control does not fail him this time and he rises to the challenge. Franco's girlfriend goes back to sleep and asks her couch partner to wake her up at the right time to see the great moment of Seb's arrival at the oracle of Delphi.

Only a few words to say...

Accidents, adventures and fun

Rugby in the Caribbean

Unlike Joakim, and even acknowledging that it has been a tough experience, George seems annoyed at leaving the place and, in fact, recommends all those viewers who are thinking of experiencing it in the first person, to launch into the adventure. and that they do the pertinent casting.

Blistered feet, empty stomach... but only steps away from glory

Seb reach the Nirvana

The trophy of the latter also has enormous value

Chavon river in the web PedritoPuntaCanaIt has not been possible to find the exact location of the girls' camp.

Last round...

The arrival of Sebastian precipitates the end of the program and the presenter now explains that the time has come to reduce the number of campers, through the dreaded nominations, to just four people: two girls and two boys. These meetings, loaded with betrayal and strategy, are a very spicy part of the program.

The coven is held in one of the shops and the boys wait outside...

Seb devastated by cruelest nomination

Sebastian is the expelled and has been seen and not seen. His rebirth was not well appreciated by the female gender, who saw signs of weakness in his arrival at the wrong time and doubled by all the pilots. That, or we can also think that Manuel, Philippe and some of the girls have created a clan to vote in a premeditated way, and save their skin round after round.

After Seb's farewell, the two remaining boys, Philippe and Manuel, who have been in the women's camp the longest, must choose the two survivors who will advance to the final four.

Nerves behind the bikinis

Monica, a secondary without charisma had already lasted too long in the camp

Already on the way to the safe zone, Sebastian explains to the presenter with difficulty and dealing with great internal contradictions, that the program is a unique experience but that he has suffered more than in his entire life, especially when he had to eat raw fish to survive. .

Really, before the cameras he seems a little affected... and it is that, perhaps the last days in complete solitude have taken him out of his mind.

45 days of childbirth, to die on the shore...

Extreme pain, to be a loser with no prize

Franco and his girlfriend have fallen asleep again. They've been on the couch for three days!

The butler, very helpful and circling the extra-mile, wakes them up for the day of the final. We assume that it is the Sunday of a long weekend of adventures in Isla Saona.

The presenter personally approaches the camp to liven up the final four and speak more closely to both the spectators and the contestants.

Jester and entertainer

Suzanne, Lenka, Philippe and Manuel take stock of their participation and it will be time to face the polls because there can only be two survivors of the six, who will be the ones who touch glory with their hands.

Climbing without rope and climbing shoes

Injured like in a war

Women's suffrage without conspiracy

Faced with the impossibility of keeping the clan together, the girls nominate Philippe to leave the jungle, and they are going to stay with Manuel, who will be able to indirectly choose his partner for the award, nominating one of them for expulsion. Before voting, we visualize a brief biopic of Manuel's passage in the jungle.

Vampire hunting

Swimming in cloudy water

Are here! These are! The champions of The Six Survivors

Suzanne confesses to the presenter that at the time of voting she has been governed exclusively by Manuel's beauty, without noticing anything else. Now yes, the prize for both is a significant amount: one million euros, courtesy of the production company Private.

A good slice

The presenter takes the opportunity to announce a new edition of the program, although it has not been carried out due to lack of funds, it seems. Now 20 years have passed since the edition that we have witnessed here and it is never too late for a sequel, and if not, ask Indiana Jones.

In the end we understand the title of the film since if we count the presenter, there are a total of six survivors who visit the girls' camp.

Until next time, survivors who have made it to the end of the review!

"I advise you to take a shower, you've been sweating on this sofa for 80 hours"


RATING: 9/10


Private Tropical 1 "The Private Six Survivors"
Year: 2002
Film genre of the plot: cinema verité/docummentary
Destination: Dominican Republic, Saona island y Chavón river
Actors: Sandy Steel, Elza Grown, Francesco Sitcom, Mandy Night, George Bull, Joachim Kettle, Manuel Ferrata, Petra Sport, Sebastian Zarrio, Philippe Bean, Valentina Belly, Alessia Pompei, Jodie Moose
Where can I find it: Private or Google


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