The drama of the collective dismissal flies over this film from beginning to end, narrating the last vacations of some colleagues, who have been affected by a staff readjustment at the airline they worked for. The philosophy of "carpe diem" has deeply penetrated their hearts and they decide to put it into practice on the Caribbean island. A magnificent approach to this afternoon film classic.
Trailer of Private Tropical 10 Caribbean Airlines
Movie Caribbean Airlines on Youtube
As a curiosity or metaphor, it is surprising that the film begins in the sea when its title takes us to the untained cradle of the heavens. But be that as it may, some young stewardesses, very corporate because they haven't even taken off their uniform, are sailing in a dugout towards a resort in Martinique located in the eastern part of the Island.
A lot of crew for so little boat
The ship's lieutenant passes a clothing review
Everything has been prepared by a redheaded British stewardess, who, faced with the collective dismissal, has taken the initiative and booked a three-day trip to the French Antilles without asking permission or consulting with her colleagues. Specifically, in a complex on the island of Martinique, which has a colonial building and a huge pool. The pier that appears in the image actually leads to another hotel on Ilet Thiery, but the filmmaker has taken a license here and has joined both places. This is very common in the world of cinema: for example, in the famous Casino Royale they claim to be in Montenegro and it is actually Karlovy Vary (Czech Republic).
This is the "cozy" pier of the Ilet Thiery (Martinique) to which they are heading
Pic from Travelstyle (2016).Currently quite abandoned as the ilet hotel has closed.
Aerial view today, of the pier and the hotel
To tell the truth, this getaway is a more attractive plan than spending the weekend with the rest of the laid-off stewardesses and pilots, who will lose energy consoling each other and drinking spirits to fight depression. These vacations on a tropical island promise true adventures and love stories and that is what The Bold Chicks likes (from now on we will call them that when we refer to them).
A good friend describes these extemporaneous decisions as "really enjoy life", because if you get fired and spend your contingency fund on a luxury trip to the Caribbean, you deserve everything bad that happens to you, not to stand on ceremony
Even so, we must try to avoid the temptation to demonize the worker here, when it has been the company (Caribbean Airlines) that has chosen to increase profits with a reduction in staff with an unrepentant attitude.
On the other hand, it is still curious that an airline was founded three years later, in 2007, with the same name, Caribbean Airlines, since it has not had a very good press since this film production. You are associating yourself indissolubly with a company that does collective dismissals. It is as if a pharmaceutical company decided to call itself Umbrella now (as in the Resident Evil saga) or if a space exploration company was baptized as Weyland-Yutani (from the Alien saga).
Logo of the airline
I settle the issue with a digression about the deplorable behavior of the multinational press offices when they must send the report of the employment regulation files to the newsrooms of the media. These notifications always arrive on Fridays at the last minute, when only the interns eager to make merits are already working, and knowing that on the weekend only renegade and claudicant old age pensioners read the newspapers who pray that the sword falls from a damn time of Damocles that balances menacingly over his head.
Going back to Bellocchio's feature film, in the next scene, the stewardesses moor their skiff at the charming Ilet Thiery dry dock mentioned above and head in high heels towards the mainland, dodging with enormous efforts the cracks in the wooden gangway and not always successfully. Stiletto heels are very treacherous off marble tiled floors.
In this opening scene, on the pier, a girl trips and almost sprains herself.
The "limp" carpet
Already in the rooms, all in unison comment on the genuine colonial style of the hotel and its pampered decoration, however they also highlight the humid heat of the place. They leave their bags, take off their uniform, and go outside (forgive the tautological pleonasm) to go to the complex's private beach, to cool off and feel liberated.
Time to take off the uniform: no more free advertising for the airline
In the crystalline waters, they all choose to bathe naked, not "en pellote" as the Archpriest of Hita recounts in The Book of Good Love, since it is obvious that these females do not look like the type to cover themselves with a modest nightgown when going to sleep. Nor would it be necessary, because in this high-end resort, all the coves are protected from prying eyes.
Stealing is a shame
After sunset, while people have a good dinner in the noble room of the Habitation Lagrange resort restaurant, in which its murals set in the Victorian era stand out, a boy named Marco takes the opportunity to kiss his girlfriend, one of the hotel employees, in one of the empty rooms...
Aerial view (both are closed now: Ilet Thiery and Habitation Lagrange)
¿Tasting menu?
A hug before telling a big secret: your fantasy
The man confesses to his mistress how much he fantasizes about stewardesses and proposes an evil plan: steal a stewardess uniform, sniff it like a bloodhound, and have his girl dress up. The trust between her and her partner is total.
Before breaking into the house, he makes sure that no one has seen him enter.
Grand theft
His girlfriend looks at him with contempt and she has her reasons: surely those clothes
smell like after a flight with stopover
After dinner, The Bold chicks talks openly about her wishes for this holiday, and the cress at the next table activate the radar, so as not to miss any nuance of other people's conversation. The British presides over the banquet and exudes charisma from every pore. His onanist eulogy, in which he vindicates his magnificent choice of hotel, and his empty words about the pleasant life are the center of all eyes. She enjoys prestige among her colleagues because in recent months she has received therapy with a specialized coach, she has a very defined character and a magnetic personality.
She calls the shots
Listening like Nixon
"Holidays get better with new guests" he thinks to himself
One of the two handsome men dares to interrupt the empowered woman and asks her if they are going to go to the beach the next day. The Anglo-Saxon responds unexpectedly: she secretly invites him to come early to take a bath in the hotel pool, but when everyone is still asleep. She puts a lot of emphasis on that point.
Making contact...
He begins to swear...
The middle finger gives him away
Said and done, on the next day, the satyr swims in chlorinated water since dawn, with the patience of a catfish fisherman. So much so that his fingertips have wrinkled and now look like two raisins.
To no one's surprise, he is accompanied by his tanned friend with greasy hair, who looks like Fernando Almeida, golfer from the mythical game Neo Turf Masters. The presence of this candle holder is not an obstacle to having fun: the red-haired Anglo-Saxon has come alone, but if she insists, she can make duckings to anyone who gets in front of her.
Lots of light for being early in the morning...
Pic from MagicClub, took it from the balcony of the main buiding
Courtship dance...
This carny boy only knows how to smile... and is very clear about what comes next.
Already at breakfast, a couple of hours later, the ordinary Englishwoman explains with hair and signs her recent experience in the pool, to two of the hostesses. Again, he takes the opportunity to hang the cockade of having chosen that vacation without asking the others.
The British seems the only one interested in the exchange of fluids while the rest adopt a passive position
"These flight attendants are first class, trust me"
Marco and his girl, the couple from the fantasy of the night before, listen to everything from the next table. They learn that the Anglo-Saxon has already arranged appointments for all the girls, without consent or offering any alternative to her acolytes. Very surreal. It could be said that in a few hours she has set up a marriage agency in Martinique all by herself... She has read in her diary that "A positive attitude towards life brings many long-term benefits" and she applies the teachings of her coaches every day.
This burly hotel guide leads almost all excursions. He is a man who knows what hard work is.
Hours later, it's time to reap the rewards. In the restaurant, the Englishwoman asks each and every one of the hostesses about their experiences with the young islanders. Anyone would say that she is an experienced brothel madame from a Central European highway. It enriches her to hear that her girls are having a good time, and she doesn't want disagreements within the group.
Let's toast to this journey without turbulence
Photo of the restaurant (Shutterstock)
On the afternoon of the second day, while the British leader reads a book entitled "Emotional management for a salary increase" sitting among solanaceous plants, flowering evergreens and other shrubby species, something very important happens for the future of the film. A lot of attention.
These flight attendants read more than just the flight manifest
The girl who had dressed up as a stewardess at the beginning of the film with the sole purpose of making her boyfriend happy, approaches him and tells him that her boy, Marco, in addition to fantasizing about flight attendants in general, has a father. very rich with great contacts in the aeronautical sector. He ends with an indecent proposition: if she sleeps with him, he will certainly have a better chance of finding a new job.
Buckle up, if you will, and put your seat back upright before you listen to my proposal.
The Anglo-Saxon woman is outraged in a very false way, claiming that she is not anyone's concubine, and sentences that "she does not sleep with men for money." However, as soon as she is left alone in the resort's garden, she begins to reflect, and concludes that that night, during dinner, she will discuss it with her companions.
"What have you taken me for?
"Well, as a complement to the settlement it would not be bad"
Marco's story is bizarre and she doesn't trust it. Because of this scratch, he chooses to organize an appointment with Ángela, a blunt dark-haired stewardess who is more sparing in words than an autopsy doctor. The excursion is with one of the hotel guides, in order to inquire about whether there is any truth in the fortune and influence of the Marco family. In general, discreet people are factotums, and they comply with everything that is entrusted to them.
Without a doubt, the tinsel has blinded the British... and we still don't know for sure cui bono... Marco, the hostesses or systemic sexism in the workplace?
The bossy Englishwoman commissions a fact-finding mission
This steward looks like to the spanish actress Miren Ibarguren. Instead, this is an actress who only knows how to smile
In that meeting, which takes place on one of the terraces of Ilet Thiery, the boy assures him that Marco's father is, in fact, the majority partner of Caribbean Airlines. The story is taking shape and the dolphin's father not only has contacts, but is also the owner of the company that paid them monthly salaries.
"You have to pay for information, did you know that?"
That changes everything, because now, after that information, if they use their resources and their women's weapons well, they will be able to recover their old jobs. That, inevitably, will cause the collective dismissal tornado to catch other more unfortunate people in the middle... or without so many swallows, depending on the prism from which you look at it.
The success of the mission is rewarded with a yacht excursion. The eyes shine with illusion...
Without hesitation, the Englishwoman travels to Guadeloupe to meet Marco. Once there, he tells him that he accepts his conditions, and also offers him a free service in exchange for the entire Bold chicks group keeping their jobs and always doing the same work shift between Guadeloupe, Martinique and Barbados.
Smell the flowers like the spanish Aston Martin F1 driver
To ask for a job, in a bikini...
Marco, self-proclaimed in that exchange of words, no longer as the son of, but as the president of the airline, nods in agreement, but adds one more clause: if they are all going to keep their jobs, they must all attend the private party that He is going to organize them in a villa de Le Gosier, and dressed as hostesses, of course. This smells like singe, because this genius changes his version more than Dani Alves: now he is the president, nothing less.
Undoubtedly, this is a step further in Marco's obsession with flight attendants, which leads him to lie, falsify, manipulate and move the pieces on the board at will, in order to achieve his goal. Caribbean Airlines as a film is basically a portrait of an obsession with touches of social struggle, veiled support for the proletariat and enhancement of the trade union world.
As a final note and while the Oreste Fiengo melody is playing in the final credits, I would like to comment on something. Accustomed to the abrupt plot twists of Max Bellocchio, which are the hallmark of the Neapolitan filmmaker, I missed a final scene in which the cake was revealed, and the viewer thus confirmed that Marco is perhaps president, but only of his condominium neighborhood, and because it has touched him in the periodic insaculation typical of these charges regulated in the horizontal property law...
Free flight so that each spectator can imagine the end of the film that they like the most
Max has opted for silence here, leaving the viewer to decide if this drama focused on the consequences of the employment regulation files ends with a happy ending, or if you have to take out the packet of tissues again to cry with rage at another villain. No regrets.
RATING: 1/10
Private Tropical 10 "Caribbean Airlines"
Year: 2004
Film genre of the plot: trip movie, corporate greed
Destination: Martinica
Actors: Sebastian Zarrio, Mick Clue, Jennifer Bark, Philippe Bean, Donna Merry, Rita Very, Bibi Sox, Francesco Sitcom, George Bull, Anita Keen
The first film of the Private Tropical saga on Reunion Island starts aboard a yacht, not far from the coast. Captain Malcomini, his brother Francesco and another sailor take care of a rich Swedish blonde. Just arrived from Stockholm, she has rented a ship trip for herself and sunbathes, relaxed.
Max Bellochio decides to start this new edition of Private Tropical already in paradise, leaving the opening in Europe for another time. The camera flows around the island of Martinique, specifically the Ilet Thierry , and soon focuses on a pontoon that leads to an old hotel.
Naples. Located at the viewpoint of the Belvedere di Sant Antonio a Posillipo , the camera takes a dive down from Castel de Sant´Elmo to Piazza Sannazaro. By the hues of the sky we deduce that the sun has already hidden behind the Mediterranean.
It's midnight. Eve of a wedding in style. The engaged couple strolls through a manicured French garden in Barre Trigano Castle, accompanied by a third woman. - "It is my parents' house" says the future wife. This luxurious mansion has little of a house and a lot of a palace. Everything is going great, even the relationship with the sister-in-law seems to be quite cordial and the atmosphere is calm.
A palatial room introduces us to this new movie of the tropical saga. A work meeting takes place, in which the manager of IEM Immobiliare, Lenka Saunder (the wellknown Jennifer Dior from the nineties), explains the details of the next business trip that her subordinates Susan and Jennifer are going to take. The destination: the paradisiacal island of Saint Loupen. The objective: to convince Bruno Le Fleur to sell his land to the company to build the IMR tourist complex there.
A very brief panoramic view of a subtly colonial enclave places us directly in the paradisiacal destination. In a matter of seconds, we will be immersed in a matrimonial argument full of long faces and rudeness. There are many open wounds in the couple we see on screen, and their stormy relationship will be the common thread throughout the film.
On the shore of the sea, on the fine white sands of the Caribbean, lies a gangster dressed in a spotless Trilby hat and electric blue sunglasses typical of a villain from the Austin Powers saga. The capo enjoys the tropical parnassus of the French Antilles, the Grande Terre island of Guadeloupe, surrounded by female deities, toasting with Moët and savoring a Cuban cigar.
A melodious tropical tune greets us in the opening credits of Max Bellocchio's Caribbean Dream. The title of this film is a clear nod to the American dream, but with palm trees and daiquiris in the equation. The composer, as this filmmaker is accustomed, is Oreste Fiengo and endless confused images are shown to us in an agitated way. We are facing a new Caribbean tragicomedy loaded with love affairs, scams and ship fuel.
The opening credits, in black and white and with a soundtrack that invites pessimism, announce that we are going to witness a tragic piece with a bad ending. What starts badly ends badly, as the popular saying goes. The close-up takes us to the very Caribbean, to a beach in the north of the Dominican Republic, where a lonely young man named Steve meditates on his current situation.
The film starts with a front shot of a Rodius-style van, approaching to the camera. What will it carry inside? Well, a film crew that has chosen a heavenly Caribbean destination to shoot a spot to promote an energy drink. Marketing works like this, associating sensations and experiences with a specific product, to win over potential buyers and force them to buy when they go to the supermarket.
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