Movie review: Private Tropical 12 "Sin Island" (2004) (Jessica Fay, Cora Farina, Janet Alano)

The writers often display a different personality than the rest of the mortals. They are usually elusive, prone to depression and immerse themselves in deep reflections that distance them, over time, from their friends and family. Sometimes they make long trips to the ends of the globe to find new ideas and experiences that help them become more fluent when writing a novel.
Private Tropical 12 Sin Island trailer

Movie Sin Island on Youtube

The protagonist this time is Edgar, an erotic novel writer who has just arrived on the French Antilles, in Arawak Beach Hotel, placed in Guadeloupe, he calls his editor, Ross, to tell him that he is absolutely convinced that he will find inspiration on the beaches of that heaven on Earth.
Ross doesn't seem very convinced and reminds him that the novel must be finished in three weeks.

Novels written in three weeks...

Arawak beach resort hotel

That same night, the lonely Edgar goes to a strip tease club, in search of that inspiration that he longs for. There, contemplating a young woman dancing, a mysterious man who also seems to be alone, leaks that in that pub there are two men who like the exchange of couples, and who share their wives with outsiders. One of them is passing through and has rented a huge white villa, full of exotic vegetation, at the top of the hill.


Minutes later, the two guys retreat to another room, accompanied by a woman. Our writer, without fantasies of morality, gets up from the sofa and takes the front row so that nothing stands in his way. The room is decorated in a very original way: with fancy sofas that imitate the taillights of 50s American cars, a mythical jukebox and life-size figures of pirates and corsairs. 

¡Land ahoy!

At dawn, our playwright describes in solitude what he has contemplated in the stripclub. A moment of lucidity makes it clear to him that he must know the guy who has rented the villa. Without a doubt, that satyr can be a source of ideas for your novel. Decide what better way to get in touch is through a woman. The writer, unappealing and lacking the skills needed to find a hottie swinger ready for anything, searches the newspaper for a prostitute to bait him at a cheap price.

Night owl

Jessica is the chosen one, and the next morning they meet at the hotel. Despite the strange proposal, Jessica gladly accepts that she has to fornicate with other men, since she likes sex and money. At the end of the meeting, the courtesan offers Edgar a quickie, but the writer, like a good weirdo, declines the invitation.

"This skin job is Jess. A basic pleasure model."

Pic fo the movie just after the meeting

Hotel Arawak in 2005. Totally confirmed

That same afternoon he goes at the villa on the hill, with an old excuse: that his car has broken down and that he needs a phone to call the tow truck. At first, the tenant is suspicious, but when he hears that our writer has the woman waiting in the car, he changes the tone of the conversation. The tenant introduces himself as Robert and invites him to sail on his yacht the next day, in the company of their respective women. 

Yeah, it may be too easy, but the sexually depraved like Robert are, in fact, easy to catch, and our clever writer knew of his addiction to swinger in advance.

A classic: the broken down car

Until this hill driven to get the car fucked....

Pic in 2021

After some lesbian flirting in a quiet beach near a resort, Robert and Edgar hint at their intentions. With no time to waste, they raise the anchor and go to a St Martin to finish the job. Surprisingly, our writer again prefers to be the harmless voyeur.

Freshwater sailors

At night, when Edgar is in the hotel creating content, in the midst of a textual orgasm, Robert calls him and says that he will come early to his hotel in the next morning. It seems that both have made very good friends.


"And you damn well know that you
               don't make a sale unless you think the
                   guy is gonna come back for more, and
                   tomorrow we are done"

Robert tells him that, after telling the experience to his friend Toni, he is also ready for an exchange and that he will wait for them at the Tropicana Club at 10 at night. Alles gut!. Our writer is very happy because with such a rhythm of encounters, he will have extra chapters for a future reissue.

Logo of Tropicana Club

Road to perdition...

The Tropicana Club is the most wicked place on the island of sin (Sin Island). A gloryhole reigns in the room. Nothing seems to scare our friend and his "wife" Jessica. Edgar, eager for depravity that gives his book the necessary exoticism, watches with great interest. Toni's wife is exactly the girl who danced in the previous strip tease club. As soon as they show this blonde, the most discerning detect that something is wrong: the girl in the room decorated with pirate figures was neither Toni 's wife nor Robert' s wife. This is a body of lies. And guess who's behind the wall. Well, our dear friend Robert.

Very close friends

Magnificient views

This man spends a lot in rental villa

Le gosier Villa As you can see, several refurbished nowadays

Check it out the price

Website of the real estate company

In a matter of three days, Edgar and Robert have become flesh and bone. They share everything, including their "wives," so Robert is open to telling his other experiences, too, like the one he had yesterday in an amazing garden.

Three kings

The next day Toni, Robert and Edgar meet again, to talk about their adventures. Toni finally tells him that the girl who danced at the strip club and then enjoyed the gloryhole was not, in fact, his wife, but the wife of his friend Michel. This is a cocktail of vice and lust. In the other hand, Toni's wife is now with Michel on a nearby beach.

"He can´t protect his women"

More nightcalls

It is already dark and it is the last evening that the writer is going to spend in the Caribbean. He is creating juicy texts in the peace of his bedroom, when Robert calls him and organizes a last meeting with Toni, who apparently has been wanting to fuck Jessica. The conversation is very dry and cutting: "within an hour", "without fail"; It seems like the call of a druglord or a desperate customer calling Teleswinger.

Edgar calls Jessica and they go to pick up Toni with a limousine. The writer watches the fiery couple from the front seat. He is powerless or gay. Or perhaps they are recreatins a scene, as Vaughan does un Cronenberg’s Crash, because our writer, who does not take iff his cap even at night, looks like a limousine driver. There are no more options. 

Amateur driver

The car is a Peugeot 607. the interior takes center stage in the next scene

Detail of the movie. Its the same door design

The best erotic novel of the year

With the steamy scenes already in our memory, we have arrived at the outcome of a very little elaborated script. Max Belocchio has more art to give the world ...

Edgar calls his editor to tell him that he has found the inspiration he was looking for in the Caribbean and that the novel is going to be a best seller.

Everyone has something to confess

In the epilogue, Edgar, with some regrets, decides to tell Robert the truth about his book. However, no one is angry because everyone has something to confess. Robert confirms what we all already knew. Go to exchanges with prostitutes. A master plan.
Laughing, they agree to see each other again next summer on another island: "You write a good book and I fuck the women of others." A great example of practical symbiosis.


RATING: 4/10

Private Tropical 12 "Sin Island"
Year: 2004
Film genre of the plot: comedy
Destination: Guadeloupe
Actors: Philippe Bean, Jessica Fay, George Bull, Sandy Steel, Francesco Sitcom, Janet Alano, Cora Farina, Robert Rosenborg, Kia Wilson, Jenny Snail
Where can I find it: Private or Google



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