Movie review: Private Tropical 24 "Sexy Business" (2006) (Jasmine Rogue, Poppy Bargain, Lucy Glove, Monica Onion)

The first scene of Sexy Business takes place on the main balcony of the most iconic building of the Habitation Lagrange hotel, which is set in a lush Marigot valley, on the island of Martinique. An important meeting for the telecommunications sector is taking place. That day will change digital entertainment and mobile telephony forever.

Private Tropical 24 Sexy business trailer

1st part of the movie Sexy Business on Youtube

2nd part of the movie Sexy Business on youtube

A keynote between palm trees

Two of the three attendees to the meeting are somewhat disappointed by that urgent call and the consequent long trip to the Caribbean that they have had to make without prior notice. However, the convener has something strategic to communicate to them. An invention that is a point of inflection, which in geometry is known as that exact point at which a parabola changes the direction of its curvature.

Hosted by Omar Almous, an oil and drilling magnate who invests in ICT and aerospace development. He entertains them with good words. He assures them that the two of them are the CEOs of the most powerful communication companies in the world and that, for that reason, they have the privilege of attending the meeting.

The tie is not worn in Caribbean territory

Hans is the manager of a German telephony multinational with offices throughout Latin America. He received a BA in Telecommunications Engineering from the Berlin Polytechnic University, with a Masters in Data Management and Analytics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Gérard is French, of Mexican parents, and studied at the Sorbonne in Paris, with an MBA from the London School of Economics. Today, he runs a European macroholding of business connectivity and the internet with an iron fist.

Old foxes

Their training supports them and both are skeptical, waiting for more information, although with an open mind. Omar, the investor in new technologies, urges them to type the combination 69 69 on his cell phone, but he recommends doing it in the garden, and postpones the current meeting for 60 minutes, to exchange impressions afterwards.

Some apps are better to see alone

Onlyfans in 2006

Virtual reality is soon mixed with the physical world

It is a microchip that allows access to erotic files, hacking the firewall of private cell phones. These snapshots and videos can be viewed from anywhere around the world for a small fee of $ 1 per month. A great digital business that would only be surpassed with the advent of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain, years later.

In addition, in case the entrepreneurs have doubts about the acquisition of the microchip, there are many young women in the millionaire's resort willing to relax tensions and help in the negotiation.

We are now at Belvedere di Sant Antonio a Posillipo, seeing Naples at the end of the day

At the foot of Vesuvius, the mercantile lawyer Vincent receives a leak from a person he fully trusts about the alleged microchip. Well connected, he contacts Deborah, one of Omar's employees, to request a job for a young girl.

On the phone, Deborah assures that she is on the island of San Vicente, although it is Martinique, specifically, the Habitation Lagrange hotel that she also appears in Coral Honeymoon.

Hotel Habitation Lagrange

Getty images. More photos here.

In Google Earth, today

"Mr Cochran want to know..."

From his desk, Vincent controls the world

Back in the Caribbean, both Hans and Gérard already have their ties unbuttoned. When in Rome, do as the Romans. The microchip has made them sweat ... imagining the "huge upside potential with very little downside risk".
When resuming the meeting, they adjust the knot of the tie...

I raise the stakes to three million

Gérard puts all the meat on the grill, but the oil tycoon urges them to enjoy a week of vacation at his resort, his boat, his cars and the weather, before decide. Omar, he has not become a millionaire thanks to a highborn ancestry and plays the game with skill.

Back in Italy, the mercantilist Vincent is closing the fringes of the contract with Angela. She must travel to "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines" to work with Deborah, in the service of Omar Almous, Vincent's former partner. Now we know why the commercial lawyer knew Deborah so well.

Work in TEA...

She demands a salary increase from him in that first interview and, to everyone's surprise, they close the deal right then and there, without any hesitation on Vincent's part. The lawyer has revealed his cards ...

In this transatlantic back and forth, we return again to Martinique, where Hans is reeling with his advisers the possibilities of an offer, informing them that Gérard has already offered three million, with the firm intention of knowing the limits, knowing how far they can arrive in terms of treasury. The figure is set at 5 million.

Five? Are you high?

In the same resort, Omar boasts of the CEO's struggle, his future and the microchip auction that he himself has financed, and celebrates another professional victory in advance, in the company of two friends.

Let's toast with French champagne. For money it will not be

Habitation Lagrange, at night

It is late night in the French West Indies, when an elegant man strides across the lobby, dressed in an impeccable pinstripe suit, heading to the bar where Omar celebrates his legendary Great Gatsby parties.

Com-tech club Bilderberg 

His name is Carlos, he is CEO and co-founder of a company that is developing innovative QR technology in the city of Barcelona. He trained at the University of Bologna in Modern Languages and did a doctorate at Cambrigde on Information Coding with Cum Laude award.

He and Gérard meet, and greet each other with the effusiveness of someone who has shared tavern nights. Quickly the conversation warps to the tipping point, and together they explore the infinite possibilities of the 6969 microchip.

Moments later, after an unfortunate question from the Frenchman, Carlos begins to relive in his mind that afternoon that they shared together in another heavenly destination, in the company of a blonde named Lilian. The composer Oreste Fiengo sets the memory with ethnic music of timpani and tribal taste.

Black out

Well trained in all subjects

Change of plane. As the lawyer based in Naples, Vincent, ventured, Angela arrives in the Caribbean the next day, and after being welcomed by Deborah, she is interviewed by Omar, who knows very well the type of employee she needs to cover the excessive increase in demand.

¡Money sailor!

Meeting to get the job or come back home...?

Deborah, happy to betray

Finally, the last candidate for the microchip enters, whose first name does not transcend. The "new" graduated from Moscow University with a degree in Medicine, specializing in Psychiatry, and soon delved into the dark teachings of neurocoaching. Years later, he earned an honorary degree from Yale University for his dedication and advancement in the discipline of mind control. He runs the secret and hermetic telepathic experiments division of the Australian Defense Force from Adelaide.

The "new" is more interested in other things ...

Hans feels a bit out of place since Carlos has arrived. Gérard spends the hours with the Catalan, recalling anecdotes. For this reason, he is the one who befriends the newcomer first. Together they spend the afternoon with Sandra on the Antillean beach, relaxing before the big decision.

In her room, when stillness reigns after sunset, Angela begins to investigate on her own, thinking of her own benefit and asks Sandra about her afternoon on the sand.

If I paint my nails and ask at the same time ... do I hide my great interest?

Sandra exaggerates with the size of the microchip ...

The next day, Hans and Carlos stay together again because Gérard has gone on a boat excursion. Together they rest in the garden of the Marigot hotel, their minds continually focused on finding the best deal for the microchip. Fiengo opts for raucous electronic accords and techno overtones here.

Actually, it is impossible to concentrate here ...

Afterward, they bathe in the hotel's nude pool, with exotic cocktails, and basically talk about the weather. Hans predicts that he will suffer from the Teutonic climate on his return to Hamburg. They are tired of thinking about the damn microchip; they begin to ramble and comment on trivia.

Mojito bald

Hairy daiquiri

On the balcony of an adjacent building, Angela, already showered after the hard day's work, reports to the contracting party. He states that, in his opinion, "something very big is moving" because there are three European managers of top telephony companies. And if we consider that the "new" works in the Australian public sector, the information is one hundred percent correct.

"The weather is horrible," Angela lies so as not to make her boss envy

Vincent moves his pieces with great precision.

However, for no apparent reason, Angela discovers the wing of the hotel where the developer of the microchip, named Churlow, works and approaches him to extract first-hand information and without any intention of sharing it with anyone, not even with his Pattern.

She introduces herself as a friend of Almous, and Churlow, who is strangely visually impaired, can barely contain her verbiage as Angela advances on her.
Churlow suffers from stress and confesses that he has been locked up for three months in order to finish his job. In that area of ​​the hotel they are undergoing renovations and the noise of the construction machinery does not allow him to work with the necessary peace, which has resulted in a postponement of the final delivery.

Women´s weapons

Women´s pumps

Gérard telephones France, his consigliere François, and they agree that the maximum in the auction will be 6 million dollars. He calls her from the rusty old bridge of Sainte Marie, which is no longer standing today.

Sainte Marie pont in Martinique

More info in this web 

Old bridge of Sainte Marie

Sixpack... ok

We now return to Angela, who calls Naples to inform the lawyer Vincent that the contract has ended because there is a lot of money at stake (although she is not yet aware of the exact amount ...) and the salary is not decent.
So if you want the microchip, you will have to pay more. Vincent adapts to the changing circumstances of the contract, in a show of waist, and bends the contract.

You are a bastard... Vincent

Keep Calm Ángela

When the call ends, the map is enlarged and in the same office as Vincent, there are Yon and Camil, two Chinese who agree to bid 6 million for the microchip. Angela is the front man; the one that takes risks and steals the microchip in exchange for a handful of euros. Vincent takes the glory.

Yes, sir

In one more installment of the bedroom conversations, Angela asks Sandra for her lipstick for the next day's mission ... It seems that the tanks, the fighter-bombers and the frigates are beginning to prepare for the great battle.

Military strategy

The war is about to come. Is it a soldier's helmet or a turtle?

Meanwhile, the "new" and Hans are going to enjoy the last day at the beach. As if they were in Dunkirk

Everything is ready for the giant fireworks. The storm will catch them in the middle ... We are going to analyze the last blows of Sexy business, which are warm. Max Bellocchio has prepared everything for the final detonation.

Waitresses are among the gossipiest people ever seen on the face of the Earth

Habitation Lagrange´s bar 

The wick has lit. Angela, making use of selective listening for the cocktail party effect, has overheard a conversation in which Carlos and Hans deliberate about the economic terms in which the auction operates. The girl can barely sleep that night and waits for a new day before calling the Neapolitan lawyer to ask for the termination clause.

Prepare a briefcase that bank transfers are not the best way to do this...

I'm going to be busted on the next phone bill with so many international conference calls ...

After this chess move, Angela decides to make a pact with Churlow, behind Omar's back. The millionaire is missing: he continues to celebrate around the island and uncorking bottles of champagne.

Angela discovers that there are two chips, one that lasts 2-3 days, and another, about to be completed, with a infinite duration. The pact is for me to give you now the microchip that is already ready and baked, of which several copies have circulated around the Omar mansion. It is ephemeral but valid for your plan.

She will then pay you $ 1 million for the ultimate chip herself. Omar Almous has been betrayed by its developer, who had been working tirelessly for three months. That has been a compelling reason.

I am developing a microchip with eternal duration ...

That sounds good!

Another war has broken out in Europe. Vincent looks for fake money to pay Angela, because he does not have so much liquid and cash. He meets with a Lebanese forger, who reluctantly agrees to the final deal because he is only thinking of going off to a trattoria.

The film moves definitively to Europe, first stop Naples

To negotiate with Islamic bankers it is better to take off your jacket, they make you sweat

The bankers thinks... (I just want a Napoletano fritto calzone) 

Omar has been the first victim of this war. Also Gérard, Carlos, Hans and the fourth in disagreement have lost the opportunity to bid with the microchip. They have been left out. Missing in action.
Thinking heads, strategists, businessmen ... all vilified by the ambitious and cunning Angela, who is now meeting with Vincent on the other side of the pond, to formalize the sale.

Here you have chip 5G

Phone with ringtones

On the wall of the Neapolitan lawyer's office hang lithographs of racial and African inspiration, evoking values ​​and justice, while in the meeting in question, no one uses the truth. A great paradox.

It is about 1 million euros, which at the euro-dollar exchange of 2006 benefits the young Angela a lot

No "bin ladens" (500€ bill)... even in the fake money market

Another victim

The transaction has been carried out and follows the trail of blood. Angela is a weapon of mass destruction and where she passes, no grass grows. The next victim of this serial killer is the developer, who has flown to Budapest, escaping the covert kidnapping he suffered from Omar's estate.

My legacy and great finale. Now I'll retire, rich at last

Broken devop doll...

Angela trips to Budapest to pays him with fake money, but in her defense we will add that she was not aware that the money with which she paid Churlow was adulterated. The devop, another great victim.

Exact corner in Budapest 

Today, opposite to this corner there is an hotel called Callas

The sphinx contemplates in first person the mournful event

When she says goodbye to the creator of the microchip, Angela contacts a certain Mr. Brown and they fix the exchange price on that same telephone connection. $ 3 million ...

This nod to Reservoir Dogs does not go unnoticed by moviegoers. Briefcase, Mr Brown, and only one surviving person.
Will there be a second part?

Over and out!


RATING: 9/10


Private Tropical 24 "Sexy business"
Year: 2006
Film genre of the film: business-finances
Destination: Martinica
Actors: Jasmine Rogue, Tyra Missing, Frances Faubert, Grace Cap, Julia Lower, Jean Package, Pierre Wrong, Franco Trancedancer, Simone Steal, Poppy Bargain, Lucy Glove, Jamie Crooks, Lea Pelagic, Monica Onion, George Bull, Kevin Thong, Max des Cortes, Kathy Undersun, Franco Roquefort
Where can I find it: Private or Google



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