Movie review: Private Tropical 37 "Anna´s Honeymoon in the Tropics" (2008) (Daria Shower, Angelina Move, Regina Soon, Kathia Inmobili)


The honeymoon is an incomparable, special journey; for example, for many people it is the most extraordinary adventure of their lives. The most common destinations are usually enclaves of sun and sand, and this factor served as inspiration for Max Bellocchio when shooting one of his most emotionally charged romance films in his entire career. We are facing the advent of a new cinematographic paradigm in the work of the Italian filmmaker.

Trailer of Private Tropical 37 Anna´s honeymoon in the tropics 

Movie Anna´s Honeymoon in the Tropics on Youtube

Without further ado, we landed in the southern region of the Dominican Republic, in the La Romana-Bayahibe demarcation. For greater accuracy, we are located at Calle Barranca Este number 9, in the Casa de Campo urbanization.

The resort today. Pictures in LuxuryEstate

Aerial view of the complex

Today, the building has been ostensibly refurbished, removing its Doric-style ornamentation and plasterwork, and adopting more minimalist lines. The estate has also been expanded with the addition of an apartment building and a luxurious pergola. The Jacuzzis in the pool have undergone a slight modification and are now outlined with a rounded shape.

Pictures of the resort in LobosRealtors

Open scene in Calle Barranca Este

After this initial point about the location and the props, and returning to focus on the cinematographic content, in the opening scene we see four couples who have decided to go on their honeymoon simultaneously. They are friends since childhood and like to share everything.

Dangerous Liaisons

Chavs from Cambridgeshire

They concatenated civil and Catholic weddings in a short period of time, and hired a travel agency specializing in shared honeymoons, Calano Travels, for their post-marital vacations. This start up has developed an innovative system, ideal for extreme stingy, that offers juicy discounts on resorts and accommodation.

Calano Travels "dark side of trip industry"

Although the trip to the Dominican Republic has been carried out
together, once there, each couple has their own space and freedom of movement. This is evident already in that first scene, when Marco runs away to the beach with his spouse, Jessica, who has opted for a 90s rave-style braid hairstyle. Nancy and Mike, the couple who melt into snuggles in the edge of the pool, does the same. Phil proposes to Anna, his blonde consort, the exact same thing, but first he has to change into his swimsuit and goes inside the villa with that goal. That is the precise moment in which the two remaining newlyweds, Daria and the aforementioned Anna, start a "girly" conversation, while the fourth man in discord relaxes in the pool. This informal dialogue is the exact point that will mark the development of the rest of the film.

In makeup they chose some tropical flowers for the headdress

Anna looks like Jennifer Lawrence

While Daria listens carefully, the protagonist who gives the film its name expresses her concerns because she does not yet feel ready to lose her virginity. Daria and her husband are swingers, and this is, as their exchange of views reveals, a matter of public domain. Taking advantage of this circumstance, Anna has deemed it convenient to weigh the possibility of practicing with Daria's husband, in order to be prepared when the time comes to give herself to her beloved Phil. Disappointing him would be unacceptable to her. It becomes necessary to place ourselves in the time frame of 2008, when most couples did not fornicate in concupiscence and were forced to wait for the consummation of the nuptials to enjoy conjugal love and the pleasures of the bedroom.

"Same vibes"

Stanley Kubrick already reflected it in one of the opening scenes of his posthumous creation Eyes wide Shut. In that masterpiece, Sandor Szavost, the Hungarian, whispers to Alice Harford (played by Nicole Kidman) these words: "You know why women used to get married, don't you? It was the only way they could lose their virginity's and be free to do what they wanted with other men. The ones they really wanted". Be that as it may, oddities like Daria and her husband were once considered doomed ex ante to hell, and they were rare in society. There is, however, the alternative of thinking that Anna does feel prepared and that she has concocted this stratagem with the sole purpose of deflowering herself with the husband of her close friend.

Once the different probabilities have been weighed, the film continues and on a blanket of fine beach sand, the blonde with the main role now lies next to Phil, talking about how beautiful the place is and how much they love each other; however, he asks for more time for the culminating moment. Anna is not aware and Phil, with more patience than a saint, must continue to wait. Even so, that is not an impediment to having fun in other ways.

Your kisses taste like coastside

Time to recover

The old woman with the net curtain, tropical version

"Come to the party"

Anna leaves to urinate in the middle of the jungle, saying goodbye to Phil, and very close by, Marco is also enjoying the beach with his wife Jessica. Anna catches them red-handed. Far from sneaking away, she chooses to observe the lovers sheltered behind the undergrowth. His outdated principles of connubial fidelity begin to fail even before the encounter with Daria's husband, a fact that could be considered a necessary evil applying a very benevolent interpretation.

Back at the villa in La Romana, we watch Phil say goodbye to Daria and Anna claiming to be exhausted. Left alone again, Anna tells Daria about her jungle excursion. Basically, it is evident that they are not so different. Daria, by way of reply, announces that tomorrow she is going on a trip to the creek with her husband and Nancy. As a climax, Daria adds that she has seen Mike at the sports bar, soaked in mezcal, boasting of verbiage with two brunettes. Nobody is saved here. A bunch of newlyweds who, paradoxically, succumb even harder if possible and continuously to the spells of concubinage, cohabitation, squabbling, compromises in sin and extramarital affairs.

Full surrender and cloudy mind

Phil leaves, and Daria's witch takes over.

Daria is in more danger than a politician in a Swiss bank

The hackneyed phrase "we will never be as young as we are today", which has been the claim of innumerable advertising campaigns, which has been the title of novels and tabletop movies, perfectly illustrates the way of life of all these couples. Even on their honeymoon, they take advantage of the time as much as possible, so as not to miss a single train.

The next day, the blonde Anna, who gives the film its title, tells Phil about all that Daria has told her. These perversions in which everyone is a co-participant, far from making her reflect and encouraging an introspective analysis of her anomalous behavior, unnerves her greatly. She transfers her indignation to Phil, as a warning, even though she knows that the worst is yet to come (her encounter with Daria's husband).

She is honest in front of the sea...

Phil responds with a laconic: "it's life". The boy is an angel fallen from heaven, and the observer empathizes with him to the last consequences. The time has come to put everyone in their place... Dante Alighieri places traitors in the last circle of hell in his illustrious work: The Divine Comedy. The Florentine poet considered that betrayal was the most serious sin, because in order to carry it out, the traitor had to gain the trust and friendship of the victim. Anna, aware of Phil's devotion to her, "rewards" him with an early adultery without any admissible justification.

Invoking the state of necessity that is symbolized in the Plank of Carneades does not fit in this case, because intercourse is not an essential necessity for survival, and, furthermore, not using Daria's husband for prior "training" would not imply impossibility to give herself to Phil, even at the risk of disappointing him in their first meeting.

With the Bayahibe lighthouse in the camera frame, Anna asks Phil if it would be too much trouble for him to travel to Isla Saona alone. The pretext for this is to stay with the girls, but in reality what Anna wants is to finally consummate the sin with Daria's husband. Premeditation and zero remorse.

With a smile, she convinces Phil and the betrayal continues.

Lighthouse of Bayahibe

Pic of 2014 in reverse angle

The next day, Daria and Anna go shopping at an art gallery on the beachfront and once there, Daria takes the opportunity to ask about the meeting with her husband. The protagonist confesses that it was great, but that she feels, at the same time, very guilty and that she doesn't know how she will get over it. Daria, an experienced swinger, reassures her with a calculated response: “you won't have to do it again”.

"Protect from sunlight" oil on canvas

Covenant in Dominicus

The farewell takes place on wicker thrones. Candles symbolize esotericism and witchcraft

The holidays inevitably come to an end. Daria and her husband leave so fast that they even forget their luggage. It is more than likely that Daria and her husband were embarrassed to see on the spot how infatuated the ignorant Phil is with the cunning Anna and that they both agree that, to avoid such situations of social embarrassment, it would have been preferable for Phil and Anna to meet. they would have kept as a couple more uxorio.

Lost objects

"I am ready for lift off"

Honeymoon comes to an end in villa of LuxuryEstate

Perseverance and Innocence Award

Fate allows Phil and the protagonist to use and enjoy the villa in crowded solitude, and that intimacy and mutual love that they still profess will allow everything to return to normal. As a mere hypothesis, it is not unimaginable to speculate that the outrages will soon make an appearance at the moment in which the truth is known.


RATING: 1/10


Private Tropical 37 "Anna´s Honeymoon in the Tropics" 
Year: 2008
Film genre of the plot: romantic
Destination: Bayahibe, Dominican Republic
Actors: Mike Tangelo, Marco Zero, Phil Holyshit, Daria Shower, Angelina Move, Jorg Skopje, Regina Spoon, Kathia Inmobili
Where can I find it: Private or Google


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