Movie review: Private Tropical 30 "Deep Lust" (2006) (Leanna Wet, Janet Toy, Sahara Knight)


Some trumpeting worthy of an evening game show on general TV introduced this thriller filmed entirely on African soil. The Madagascar coast and its volcanic geology predispose the viewer, who is going to witness the rise and end of a screenwriter who has fallen from grace because of his two downfalls: drink and his promiscuous wife.

Trailer of Private Tropical 30 Deep Lust

1st part of the movie Deep Lust on Youtube

2nd part of the movie Deep Lust on Youtube

Nicolas Stones was a happy and successful Mancunian who had settled in paradise. He was the first to manage to agree on teleworking worth mentioning. He lived on the north coast of Madagascar surrounded by pleasures. He had everything a man desires: financial prosperity, a villa on a tropical beach, a yacht and good friends...
Fortune smiled on him and he was a self-made man, who enjoyed his profession and who was valued for his innate talent and his very long career.

Nicolas, putting guts for the perched

Leanna Sweet emulating Ursula Andress in "007 vs. Dr No" in front of Nosy Komba

Picture Nosy Komba taken in 2019 for an user 

An unbeatable existence is already shown to us in the first sequence. His daily life was frequently adorned with abundant beautiful women like Shelda, with whom he used to mingle on yellowish sands at the expense of the torrid breeze from the Indian Ocean.

¡To the good life!

However, that dream life now belongs solely to the memories of that man named Nicolas. With an agile flashback, Max Bellocchio takes us to the present. Nicolas Stones is now sitting in front of a letter-puncher masquerading as a travel reporter, ready to give him a big scoop in interview format: he's sold the rights to a somewhat iconoclastic correspondent for just $2,000 and a few free drinks. Nicolas suffers from a pronounced addiction to alcohol and a disheveled appearance, he has pride in the soil and a struck heart. His reality has been reduced to drinking alone (now yes, with a diacritical accent) and in solitude, and daily he carries out a massive pogrom of liver cells, heading without remission towards a cirrhotic collapse or a drunk suicide. 

The journalist delivers the liquor for the obligation contracted, albeit reluctantly...

After drinking full glass of whiskey he is ready to talk

The former creator and scriptwriter of the television series "Sex out of the city" opens up to the newsgazer, who has traveled to the island of Nosy Be to obtain succulent information and a few headlines that also allow him to continue raising his elbow in the taverns of his city. The priorities of the male gender are similar, despite the pronounced social differences.
Logo of the TV series

Forcing a worried grimace, like mediocre interviewers

The first thing that Nicolas tells us is that, after his flirtations with Shelda, Shelly suddenly appeared. Shelly is a British from Lancashire, with Indian ancestry, who also lives in exile in Madagascar and with whom she soon became engaged. The rush does not usually work for this type of vital commitments, however, nothing and nobody stopped them.

Nicolas delves into his memory in front of the reporter, denoting suffering, and immediately afterwards we immerse ourselves in a party in Andilana Beach, in which he appears talking with a regional senator from Madagascar, to whom he introduces Shelly, his future spouse, in the middle of the reception of amuse bouche and etiquette dress code.

Diplomatic reception

This politician, who hides himself with sunglasses that a dictator from a banana republic would love to wear, has prospered so that local television acquires all the rights to "Sex out of the city." Nicolas promises to adapt the content and censor all the offensive words in the scenes and even change the name of the scene, perhaps to Lex... to give it a legal touch.

Minutes later, the future bride and groom say goodbye to go attend an interview with the BBG channel, which Nicolas has agreed to. It's all great news and it's a high-flying life.

Ordinary jewelry and tacky shirts are the choice, even at this consular meeting. Made for each other.

Embezzler or liberator. Depends on the side

The series "Sex out of the city" was really a commercial bomb and the production company extended Nicolas's contract for three more years, at a rate of three million a year. Nicolas telecommuted thousands of kilometers from his contractor and subsisted on the accrued rights to his intellectual property, which will surely attract the attention of all the people eager for passive income who, from time to time, drop by this blog for guilt of boredom and his jetsetter desires.

Tabloid content is cooked on planks

To celebrate the new contract, Nicolas and Shelly hosted a party on their catamaran, anchored in a cove, and Nicolas drank to excess, causing severe drowsiness that left him in a daze in the ship's hold. His best friend Marco and his girlfriend Martina, as well as his fiancée Shelly stayed on deck, their throats warm to well-laden "blue lagoons", toasted by the pseudo-equatorial sun and very caramelized. Soon everything went haywire...

Two juicy papayas and a ripe banana

The Indian stares at the gypsy

Help me hoist the sail and you will see what happiness!

Nicolas Stones didn't notice the antlers when he returned to the mainland, he didn't even sense it in the slightest, but Martina ended up confessing such sicaliptic inconsistency to him later, after a few weeks. That hard blow triggered a depression and Nicolas began to drink more and more. His perennial pitima resulted in a breach of contract with the series producer, and the latter made use of the liquidation penalty clause that they had previously established and that forced Mr. Stones to indemnify the company with a payment of $300,000 in case of not delivering the script of a chapter within the agreed period. A sword of Damocles present since the extension of the agreement, which did not take long to display all its effects, without pity or mercy.

The drunkard's medicine

As a guide, a liquidation penalty clause is a stipulation by which a pecuniary benefit is established that the debtor promises in the event that he does not comply with the main obligation or that, when complying with it, he contravenes its tenor. This conventional penalty has, consequently, a coercive or guarantee function and adds a plus of burden to the obligation, which encourages the debtor to fulfill it and avoids the creditor the need to prove compensation for damages. After this very necessary clarification, because it is the key to the film, we return to the main story.

This hard blow to the finances of the newly married couple caused a heated discussion in the garden of their villa in Nosy Be, which is currently very changed.

The trees have grown a lot by 2023. Web of the villa

Not even couples with a villa on the first line are spared from discussions

Nicolas Stones responds to the accusations of "losing" that Shelly yells at in the garden, and alleges that he has been somewhat confused since Martina confessed to him what happened that day on the boat, while he was snoring deep in an exceptional jumera. The performance of both artists in this scene is sublime, showing all their acting skills and the importance of non-verbal language.

Take a deep breath before speaking

Shelly is surprised by Nicolas's rejoinder, in which he accuses him of having committed carnal intercourse with a third party but, far from being intimidated, she accuses him of being jealous without blushing and begins to gaslight, telling him what her ears want to hear. and alleging a lubricious lack of spirit on his part. As a climax, a sincere hug seems to fix everything, but the couple is already mortally wounded.

Direct hug to the spleen

Nicolas continues to open up in front of the recorder, acknowledging that he was already aware at that moment that his wife was a looser and that in that discussion she lied by the elbows.

Staying with that feeling of injustice further plunged him into his descent into hell and his periods of drunkenness became quite common. The once illustrious creator of entertainment content was now unable to write two lines of text due to the enervating properties of alcohol.

The film company gave him an ultimatum due to the repeated breach of contract. They threatened him with dismissal in the case of not delivering episode 97. After pondering the reason for episode 97, the conclusion is that this figure is related to the 94 episodes + the two films that were released in the Sex and the City franchise (Sex and the city). The two films had not yet seen the light of day in 2006, but in the small world of celluloid, all projects about to be filmed or written are an open secret for the rest of the profession. The Deep Lust scriptwriter knew so much that he could even imagine that the third film would never see the light of day...

Chapter 97 is, therefore, the one that Nicolas Stones never wrote for "Sex out of the city", for the reason that we will see below. Majestic nod to a historic franchise.

The novelist creates his scripts with a Dell Inspiron 1501. Advertising placement for the Texas computer company

The Babby bottle

The best works of art have been bred drenched in drugs, they say

Shelly discovered that her husband spent hours in front of his computer, day and night, without finding inspiration. And the fact of making sure reminded me of a horror movie classic. Perhaps they named her Shelly after Shelly Duvall who, in The Shining (1980), was astonished to find that her husband Jack had only typed the same sentence on his typewriter, repeatedly.

Bellocchio's nods to the works of other filmmakers are very common and, without a doubt, this is another example.

Nicolas Stones' house, in Andilana Beach

EAt present, without fences and with logs for columns. Coordenadas de la villa

The Babby Bottle time: everytime

Shelly supplies him with copious amounts of high-strength liquor, preferably malt, but her intentions in this regard do not transcend the viewer. If we are well thought out, we can intuit that she fills him with whiskey so that her husband finds creativity, and for this reason he urges him to drink the spirit even against his manifest opposition. If we think wrong, and the saying guarantees us that we will be right, perhaps it wants to lead you directly towards cirrhosis, to collect the life insurance premium or to have the right to vidual usufruct.

The second option seems more obvious because Shelly continually seeks to frustrate Nicolas, turning him into a drunk, and showing him that his work is worthless. What's more... Shelly begins to tell him the stories that will appear in the next chapters, and he has the ability to novelize even better than Stones himself. She does not miss the opportunity to prove it to him every day.

"The system turned against me," says Stones toasting with a 40-degree concoction

Nicolas found himself drinking heavily and completely dependent on his wife, who now looks like Danielle Stelle writing romance stories. Shelly invents a figure she names Samantha (Samantha Jones from Sex and the City?), who is a lascivious and unbridled young woman who takes every opportunity to indulge in lewd delights and vice.

Is Samantha just a fantasy in the form of an empowered woman or a real memory of his wife? Nicolas isn't sure and is torn between the two, but alcohol makes him servile and faint-hearted.

Be that as it may, Samantha's adventures could have led her to finish chapter 97 before expiration and not incur the aliud pro alio that she feared so much.

This man bores the flies... His wife, without going any further, falls asleep listening to him

During a sunset in Andilana beach, Nicolas asks Shelly to finish the half-finished story of Samantha and her friends, and she tells him that the best thing to do is to go to the beach with him the next day. There, a huge trap awaits him: his best friend Marco, his former beau Shelda, and his own consort Shelly are bringing to life the fiery whims of Samantha and company.

His wife's inspiration is also pernicious...

Nicolas, shocked to discover that Samantha is flesh and blood... and that he shares a room with her

The interview continues and the journalist now asks him about the mysterious woman who currently writes the scripts for the series under the alias Sandra McBenton...

Nicolas, already afflicted by a notable papalina, explains to the interviewer that days later, Ricardo Belli, a company executive, traveled to Madagascar and went to the Stones' house to pressure Nicolas with the delivery. Ricardo was then the longa manus of the executive producer of "Sex out of the city" and was empowered to make decisions.

If more shirt buttons are opened, the reporter is also undressed

The most colonial look that one can imagine is the one chosen by Ricardo Belli. all a cliché

Hellville market, in Nosy Be. From there, Ricardo calls the Stones' cell phone

Currently, the market is painted in a lemon yellow and was inaugurated in the 60s. Link to maps

The telephone used by Ricardo Belli is a Motorola V220, launched in 2004. Product placement of the American cell phone company

This frame seems taken from a scene of The rum diaries (2011). Surely Bruce Robinson was inspired by the photography of Deep Lust for the filming

After Ricardo's call, Shelly waits for him relaxed in the garden, while leafing through a trendy fanzine.

This woman is more than a vase, but she is still determined to keep the topic among her wealthy neighbors. Actually, there is a lot of creativity in her head and she has the material of a writer, but in her spare time she doesn't exactly read Baudelaire.

Look at the islet that can be seen on the right, on the horizon

Is the islet Nosy Be-er shows us that it is the same garden and that the house is the one in the web

The guest has arrived. The servant comes quickly

The chair that Shelly sits in still lives on in the furniture. Like the table. Link to the photo in the web. The chair can be seen in the background (green arrow)

Screenshot of the web with the furtniture

As soon as he arrives, Shelly invites him to an espresso of arabica beans to treat him, and then offers him something more succulent; however, the first thing for Ricardo is work. The most remarkable thing about that meeting under the African sun is the corvino pact that they sign, behind Nicolas's back, for her to replace him as writer of the series.

Shelly explains that she has written the last seven episodes, and to convince him that this is the best option available to him, she shows him the final decline of her husband, who lies drunk on his bed, oblivious to the cruel world.

Shelly receives Ricardo Belli barefoot... but in paradise you don't have to keep your manners

Managers do industrial espionage, from time to time...

Dreaming of a productive vintage this year

After learning about Nicolas's dark secret and illness, Shelly shows him the script she has written in her own handwriting, and Ricardo Belli dedicates a lot of flattery to her after a first reading. Without further ado, he offers Shelly a new contract. Ricardo Belli trusts his intuition and his nose tells him that this episode is a scary peach, that it has a huge pull. In addition, Mr. Belli proposes that she use an alias that sets her apart from the Stones surname. 

Dell sucks camera again

The final signature is carried out savoring a local product in the inner courtyard of the villa, away from prying eyes. The Italian has crossed half the planet and in addition to obtaining a powerful script for the next chapter, he also needs to eliminate tensions. Oreste Fiengo composed a song for this scene, enveloping the informal meeting in an exotic vapor of desire.

The reward for signing the contract exudes the fragrance of roses

The table is also still in the villa, but now on the front terrace. Current photo of the web

Detail shot of the table, with a girl practicing the paddling technique to surf the crystalline waves of Andilana

We continue with the interview, and now Nicolas explains without euphemisms that his wife Shelly was literally stealing his job after the meeting between her and Ricardo. An agreement with an unequivocal victim.

They had agreed to his end and had sealed it behind his back, with no chance to defend himself. However, when an animal is badly injured, it usually reacts in the worst possible way.

Eight track tape recorder

The journalist ends the report but Nicolas urges him to turn on the recorder again, since the most important part remains to be reported: a confession.

Nicolas hesitates for a second, and reminds him that this interview is worth around 100,000 euros in any medium... but that he agreed to do it for the paltry amount of 2,000 dollars since, where he's going, he won't need it. the money...
Now comes the main course...

Nicolas explains that one night Shelly left him. He dissolved the marriage ad nutum, and he, alone, drinking more every day and spending the night in a cockroach-infested shack, acquired a shotgun and murdered the couple in cold blood in the most horrendous crime of passion on the peninsula of the island of Nosy Be : two deaths at point blank range as a vendetta because of a heartbreak as painful as expected. Tragedies are crueler when one sees them coming from afar.

"These two promised them very happy..."

Lemur dark circles. Look of a hitman

Not even with a fairground shotgun can you miss at that distance

After this apotheosis, the journalist knows for sure that, with this interview, he will make a career

Now we know that the police are going to show up any minute to arrest Nicolas. Then they will lock him up in a filthy African stable...

In view of what is about to happen and knowing Nicolas' background, the journalist, concerned, decides to leave the place before the criminal loses his mind again.

My peace I leave you, my peace I give you, keep waiting, I'm leaving


RATING: 7/10


Private Tropical 30 "Deep Lust"
Year: 2006
Film genre of the plot: thriller
Destination: Andilana Beach in Nosy Be, Madagascar
Actors: Diana Bold, Boroka Calls, Janet Toy, Leanna Wet, Sahara Knight, Franco Trancedancer, Oliver Sangus, Peter Venice
Where I can find it: Private or Google


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