Movie review: Private Tropical 28 "African Temptation" (2006) (Sonia Charter, Kathy Undersun, Justine Langley)

Mayotte, an island located between Mozambique and Madagascar in which a story of jealousy, careerism and even a theft awaits us. Let's go together to the heart of Africa to discover what Max Bellocchio has prepared for us. Let's get in the background. Three artistic photographers who sell their souls to the world of advertising, Sergio, Marco and Bruno, travel to Mayotte to produce photographic reports. 

Private Tropical 28 African Temptation trailer

1st part of the movie African Temptation on Youtube

2nd part of the movie African Temptation on Youtube

Whoever gets the best snapshots will win the Cross World Airlines contract, an airline that wants to promote tourism on this tropical island. However, as we will soon see, countless stories intersect during the two hours of pure cinema.

Logo of Cross World Airlines

At the beginning of this feature film and after a brief visit to the natural wonders of this French island, the three photographers appear waiting for the tourist guide who will take them to the hotel.

We start late...

Bruno comments that, apparently, they are late to pick them up and that he hopes it is not an overweight mature woman. Sergio replies that, through the phone, she seemed to be a young girl with a rather sensual voice. Marco, who reminds us of Jesús Quintana from The Big Lebowski, waits absently sitting on Sergio's suitcase. They travel "alpine" style, with as little as possible, just a few summer t-shirts and a backpack for the camera, lenses, and lens cleaning products; Sergio does seem to be wearing several outfits because he is the only one who has checked in a suitcase.

Soon comes a Suzuki Santana Samurai convertible from the 90s, also known as Jimny. It is driven by Sandra, a blonde from Eastern Europe who moved to Mayotte several years ago to enjoy life in paradise.

Yes I am

The absent Marco has sat in front ... He is smarter than he seems

From there, Oreste delights us with some cumbia music, to accompany the short ride on the Jimny through the roads of Mayotte, to Ironi Bé.

Upon arrival, Sergio wants to go for a walk, but Marco and Bruno are very exhausted from the intercontinental flight and decide to go to their bungalow to rest. Sergio asks them to keep their suitcase, which is a bit of a forced situation. The logical thing would be for Sergio to go to the room to leave his belongings, but the director stages this fact because he will keep a marked antagonism with what happens throughout the film. Meanwhile, Bruno does not take off his backpack for a second.

Don't worry, it doesn't weigh more than 30 kilograms

And, as has already happened in Tequila Bum Bum, once again serendipity makes an appearance at the least expected moment. Sergio is walking quietly through the jungle and he meets a former student of his, whom he has not seen since he was a high school teacher. Curious coincidence. Daniela has come to visit her sister, who works on this island, and runs into Sergio in a French colony in the Indian Ocean.

I can't believe it ...

Sergio jokingly tells her that he is on leave of absence from teaching, that he became a professional in his hobby: photography, and that he now works in an international advertising agency. She offers to show him the most ideal places to take creative photographs, but in return, asks him to turn off the mutual sexual tension that already arose in high school.

You were my favourite teacher...

In the next scene we switch actors and Sandra regains the limelight with a flying lesson in an ultralight from Les passagers du vent de Mayotte. Impressive tour of this exotic paradise, with an excellent rhythmic composition by Fiengo with hints of mystery and suspense, magnificent the composer once again.

Yes I am

The pilot Ferro from "Aliens"

After her aerial practice, Sandra sees her boyfriend on the beach, who is wearing a Hawaiian shirt that deserves an administrative penalty. Sandra brings good news because, as her training is going so well, in a month she will be able to fly alone. Everything seems to be going smoothly, until Sandra warns him that she does not want to see those skanks hanging around him for another minute.

Lovers again together

I smells skanks

Meanwhile, Sergio, a teacher on leave of absence, and Daniela, a former traveling student, consume what was once a platonic love affair, and Marco accompanies them. This shows that Sergio and Marco are quite close, which establishes a clear distance with Bruno.

Forbidden kiss

That same night, Sergio tells Bruno what has happened, and also confesses that he is already tired because he sees that the former student wants more and more, but that he has already managed to satisfy his curiosity by having settled that matter with one stroke of the pen that stayed pending at school.

Conflicting objectives

The hotel where they are staying is Les Bangas, as you can see in the following photograph, which even matches furniture and curtains even today.

Bruno and Sergio sat here to talk every night. Picture of Blue Pillow

Website of the Hotel Les Bangas, today

I f***** her already... you know what i mean?

Having said that, he offers to Bruno Daniela to help him when it comes to finding locations, and he anticipates that perhaps something may also come up with the girl who has now become a woman. Sergio is really just looking for a bait, to get rid of her. Bruno distrusts from the first moment and in addition, the matter of the mysterious backpack comes up, from which he has not departed since the journey began. Bruno, on the other hand, if he confides in Sergio that he keeps the back up of his best photos in it, comitting a huge mistake.

I don´t trust in anybody

It comes Sandra with her Suzuki

Finally, after so much flirtation and soap opera, the photographers get down to work to capture the best snapshots of Mayotte. Winning the contest is a large sum of money and, if they continued in this plan, they were going to leave the island without any photograph to develop. Sergio, who has kept an eye on Sandra, goes with her to take good pictures and see if she can get more out of the trip. At the beginning, far from suspecting the artist's spurious intentions, she takes him to the best bay and to see the baobabs, a characteristic tree of the archipelago. In a first attempt at rapprochement, Sandra makes it clear that she is rendering a strictly professional service, as a tourist guide, and that Sergio must contain his instincts.

Have I told you that I do intimate portraits?

Don´t touch me (¡no tocar!)

Marco, for his part, seems to be more professional, taking pictures of fishermen and the coastal area. It is palpable in this scene how Marco is in symbiosis with the Canon Eos 350D, feeling every pixel and breathing with the Digital-SLR in unison, like vintage photographers.

Marco Cartier-Bresson

Natives (this in particular would serve for the cover of the magazine Life)

The clever Bruno seems to have fallen into the temptation of the schoolgirl and has agreed to go with her in search of the best corners of the island, such as Mont Choungui, the symbol of Mayotte. Sergio has managed to get rid of the post teenager, because as she is very horny and it is available to anyone who gets too close. Soon, Daniela asks him for some sex as a reward for the tour guide.

Look, with open diaphragm and fast shutter speed

Daniela falls in love with anyone ...

At night at the hotel, Sandra goes into the wolf,s mouth, to review the pictures of the day. Sitting inside the bungalow, next to Sergio, she is forced to build a wall to curb the artist's sexual impulses, who sniffs her hair like a bloodhound and doesn't seem to have much self-control.

I am very horny...

"I have a boyfriend"

On the following day, the future pilot learns that in seaplanes you must always wear a life jacket. It is surprising that he is still training in such elementary matters if it is assumed that in a few weeks he would be able to pilot alone. And, at that moment, her mobile phone rings: her dear boyfriend is calling.

Welcome to the old warehouse of ULM Mayotte

In their Facebook have a picture with the same roof shape

Put it on so that it covers your neckline and we won't crash as soon as we take off

My girlfriend is not jealous, calm down

Betrayal call

The skanks with which her boyfriend cheats on her, call Sandra and leave the phone off the hook during the lovemaking arts ... Sandra's boyfriend does not realize that the phone is calling and then, jealousy and suspicions turn in pure volcanic lava. Sandra reacts calling Sergio.


"It´s thirty minutes away, i´ll be there in ten"

Same style of balcony, same green fabric chair, perhaps another bungalow. Picture of Trip advisor

Hurt like Moneypenny

While Sergio quietly sips his coffee at the hotel, Bruno continues to hunt for photographs, touring the island by car and boat, and there, a new and exotic protagonist with slanted eyes comes on stage.

If you speak English, your name matters little to me

That same afternoon, Sandra consummates her revenge in the company of a friend. Sergio is surprised but agrees without too much hesitation. It is very evident that he is calm with the matter of the photos, because he dedicates himself more to other tasks.

Sandra, don't take it the wrong way but ... is this a girl or a guy?

Lemurs with eyes wider than a Canon lens

Bruno has found a new vein and is confident that the girl's oriental beauty and a few bananas will help him win the contest. In reality, Bruno is looking for something else with the young woman, because he is the only one who at this stage of the trip hasn´t kissed any woman, although it seems incredible.

 Shutterstock download or what?

You're stressing me out ...

Daniela to the rescue?

The scriptwriter now plays with the viewer a bit because, after that conversation about the strategy to follow that Sergio still keeps secret, Daniela enters the scene, calling Bruno, and then we all think that she is a key piece in the plan of Sergio to steal the backpack with the artistic photographs of Bruno, but, nevertheless, there will be more surprises.

We flew in five hours Sergio, and I have only taken three selfies!

Marco is still very anxious about the work he has not done, and Sergio asks him to trust him, since they will get the best photos even if they don't take them. And he adds that "someone" is taking care of the snapshots, so there is nothing to worry about. And in the next cut the oriental "Priva" enters, who returns to regain the prominence that she should never have lost throughout the film. Oreste chooses a flamenco guitar piece during this scene, which accentuates the suspense of the moment.

Guest star...

The oriental is nervous and decides to cut the fiery kissing to do the task before the pleasure, like a good professional. "Could you find me a big shell for my mother?" and Bruno, now confident, falls into the trap without any question.

Clam hunt

Slant-eyed pirate

It was her, it always has been her ... ever since she chose that place to sit confusedly in the boat, right in front of the victim of this whole story of social climbing, hacking and greed. Now, an empty CD occupies the privileged place of the backpack in which Bruno believes he has deposited all his talent.


This clam weighs more than you, Priva

It is impossible not to feel some empathy with the fearless photographer at this point. The false love of the oriental woman has bewitched him, he has lowered his guard and all his work has been ruthlessly stolen, and we can now venture to suspect his final destination ...

Hugger backpacks

Sandra resents the male gender and they have to drive off in a second-generation Fiat Panda. As they carry their luggage, Bruno continues to hug his backpack, which now only contains a blank CD. He has worked very hard in Mayotte and only now, in the end, is when he has succumbed to temptation, ruining the hours spent searching for the essence of the place ... wasted talent, lost contract ...

"Give me a second, i will comeback soon"

The exchange

Sergio, the shady former teacher, returns to the hotel where Priva is waiting for him. It has no qualms and the oriental is satisfied with a bill of 500 euros that will be spent on the next revision of its second-generation white Fiat Punto.

Rental Fiat Panda to return to the airport

Max leaves us without knowing the final outcome of this story, but we can speculate with several possibilities, such as that at the airport Bruno is going to realize that the CD is not the same and, then, or he is going to faint, or he's going to punch Sergio until he tells him the whole truth; On the other hand, the most likely thing is that Sergio will end up winning the fight and getting the Cross World Airlines contract, and in that case it is more than foreseeable that he will also end up cheating Marco and denying him 50% of the billing they had agreed to ...

In any case, we are facing an open ending because the director wanted it that way, as in 2001: a space odyssey, and the filmmaker's work must be respected.


RATING: 3/10


Private Tropical 28 "African Temptation"
Year: 2006
Film genre of the plot: adventure
Destination: Mayotte
Actors: Diana Bold, Katy Paro, Justine Langley, Simone Steal, Peter Venice, George Bull, Oliver Sangus, Kathy Undersun, Sonia Charter
Where can I find it: Private or Google.



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